Example sentences of "been [adv] badly [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 For candidates with a more generalist knowledge , the market has remained very depressed in London and the South East , while the North has been less badly hit by the recession .
2 I I feel that my brother has been extremely badly treated .
3 Black guillemots ( tysties ) have not been so badly affected , perhaps because they are not so dependent on the pelagic fish such as sand-eels and young gadoids ( whitefish ) but catch more bottom-living fish such butterfish and rockling .
4 From the previous year he had been so badly affected by osteoarthritis that his mobility had become very restricted .
5 It is important to differentiate between timbers which have been so badly eaten that their strength has been reduced , necessitating replacement , and those which , though damaged , still contain enough sound wood to continue their original jobs .
6 Some companies even report losing credibility for a brief period as their documents have been so badly presented .
7 He had been so badly injured that he was moved to the prison hospital , where I visited him every day .
8 If he had n't been so badly injured we would n't have even attempted a rescue until later , but he was in a bad way , so we had no choice . ’
9 That is happening simply because the prison service has been so badly mismanaged that the staff are disaffected .
10 JOHN UPSON 'S horses have been so badly hit by a throat infection that only six out of his 30-strong string are fit to run .
11 Prospective Labour MP for the town Alan Milburn said : ‘ Hundreds of people have been forced into dire straits because the town has been so badly hit by the Government inspired economic slump ’
12 Brought in early last year , Max had been so badly kicked by a sadistic owner that most of his bodily organs were in the wrong places .
13 He held a special mass and gave me and another woman some money so we could go to see a doctor because we had both been so badly beaten .
14 Car and bodies had been so badly charred that it was some time before they could be identified .
15 ‘ Some of these men had been so badly damaged , both physically and mentally , by their experiences on the battlefield and in POW camps that their lives were ruined . ’
16 And now she was frightened of him — Dr Neil , who was so kind and good , and had already been so badly damaged by life …
17 A significant number in the survey had been so badly penalised they had left to form their own practices .
18 But these have been so badly eroded that the controlling guards of critical thought are down .
19 Many people besides farmers have problems caused by this er tax that , whatever one thinks er about it so far as the system is concerned , really when you look at it more closely it 's the details that have been so badly thought out .
20 His sensors must have been more badly damaged than he had originally thought .
21 Dead Certain had been as badly affected as any , but Elsworth simply would not run a horse of that class in such a race unless he believed it was capable of giving of its best .
22 He said 3i had always taken a long-term view and had not been as badly hit by the recession as the banks had because it had been cautious .
23 The women and the kids had been really badly beaten .
24 Slovakia , with a more rural economy which was nevertheless also heavily dependent on its armaments and mining industries , had been particularly badly affected by recession and the collapse of the Soviet market .
25 Trees in the west Midlands , including Gloucestershire , Shropshire , and Hereford and Worcester , have been particularly badly affected .
26 The group pointed to particular examples of " sick rivers " such as the Kennet in Wiltshire , whose source , once a spring , is now a sewage pond , and which has been particularly badly affected by over-abstraction , with the river running dry in some places .
27 Wildlife habitats that have been particularly badly affected by agricultural changes include a total of 174,000 kilometres of hedges destroyed since 1984 , 72 per cent of heathlands lost since 1830 , and more than 60 Welsh Sites of Special Scientific Interest damaged by overgrazing between 1989 and 1991 .
28 Investment in start-ups and in early stage developments has been particularly badly hit , down from £128m in 1990 to just £58m last year .
29 HOUSING has been particularly badly hit , with prices tumbling and the market stagnant .
30 It is now generally appreciated that Warner Bros had been particularly badly hit by the depression , largely because of the furious rate at which they had acquired movie-houses in the 1920s .
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