Example sentences of "been [prep] touch with " in BNC.

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1 ‘ They have n't been in touch with me since so I 'm wondering what they 're going to do about it , ’ said Stuart .
2 But just think if the family had not been in touch with the Bengali Action Group or with any community workers , what sort of state of fear they 'd live in .
3 Many of the floral designs for this china , whether taken from prints or fresh exotic blooms , were obtained from the nearby Physic Garden and Philip Miller must have been in touch with the factory .
4 Goleniewski had been in touch with the CIA since 1958 during which time he had passed on to them a considerable amount of information that had led to the arrest of several important spies .
5 I have been in touch with a firm that will supply me with a new galvanised chassis which will accept any engine and gearbox conversion I choose .
6 You might like to know that I have recently been in touch with a Mme Francine Roussel ( University of Nancy II , 23 Blvd Albert 1e , Nancy 54000 ) who is just completing a survey review of concordancers .
7 With regard to your letter of 17 April this year on the subject of the above tape , your colleague Mr Muraki has not yet been in touch with us .
8 It has been shown that most suicide attempters are aware of the existence of agencies where they could obtain help , such as the general practitioner , social workers , or the Samaritans ( Kreitman and Chowdhury 1973b ) ; in fact , a significant proportion of attempters had been in touch with one or more of these agencies in the weeks preceding the attempt ( Bancroft et al. 1977 ) .
9 Has Luke 's bloody sister been in touch with you ?
10 We 've been in touch with Stanford who will accept me if my lymphoma is of the right type .
11 Canon Radford added : ‘ The Archbishop of Canterbury has been informed and has been in touch with Bishop Peter .
12 Former Widnes boss Laughton , who first tempted the ex-Llanelli half-back to switch codes four years ago , said : ‘ I have not been in touch with Widnes about Jonathan Davies and it has never been discussed by our board . ’
13 Laughton , the former Widnes boss who first tempted the ex-Llanelli half-back star to switch codes for a record £250,000 fee four years ago , said : ‘ I have not been in touch with Widnes about Jonathan Davies and it has never been discussed by our board .
14 Simultaneously we had been in touch with Sir Hubert and had discovered that he did indeed give an interview to the representative in London and had spoken ‘ off the cuff ’ to quite an extent but not justifying the outright statement attributed to him .
15 ‘ I 've been in touch with the museum and someone is coming over next week and in the meantime they said do n't touch anything . ’
16 Asked if he had been in touch with his 43-year-old wife , who is absent from their country home in Chippenham , Wilts , the brigadier said : ‘ Of course I have . ’
17 Richards , who admitted United had been in touch with Francis , revealed : ‘ Alex Ferguson also telephoned me and suggested talks at chairman level might be useful .
18 ( Since then I have been in touch with Texas four times and been promised an answer for which I am still waiting after nearly two years ) .
19 ‘ I have always been in touch with the female side of my personality ever since I was a kid .
20 Mr Clancy has been in touch with the Metropolitan Police to say he has Bobby .
21 Mr Jones , whose firm is in Chelsea , said : ‘ I have been in touch with their parents and will fly to Nepal myself . ’
22 Lineker and Paul Gascoigne have both been in touch with Spurs to wish them good luck for the new season .
23 They said that an AI group from Austria had been in touch with them with help and support , and that people from all over the world were pressing for his release .
24 The American Ambassador has been in touch with him . ’
25 It had been in touch with air control in Athens and had been instructed to alter course over the island of Amorgós — that 's about forty miles north-east of here — and proceed on a roughly north-north-west course .
26 So I went to the mainland to report it , and we have been in touch with the lawyers , the gunsmiths , and the salerooms .
27 Although Joffre , who seems at this time not to have been in touch with military reality , even now expected his left wing to advance and halt the invasion .
28 The evil wind that bombed Manhattan 's World Trade Center nevertheless blew some good to the disaster recovery specialists : SunGard Data Systems Inc says it has been contacted by four subscriber companies seeking disaster recovery services following the blast — two in Four World Trade Center , one in Two World Trade Center and one in One World Trade Center ; and Comdisco Inc said it is providing disaster recovery services to three financial services companies hit by the blast , while IBM Corp 's disaster recovery unit said it had been in touch with ‘ a lot ’ of its customers , but that so far none of its customers had had to declare their workplaces to be disaster areas .
29 Nor was there a difference in the proportion of those committing suicide who had previously been in touch with the psychiatric service .
30 and I had , got pick up two so I , I just had to give up , I phoned him up when I got here , apologise , he has n't been in touch with Michael yet , I do n't know why not , er , though why , er sorry
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