Example sentences of "been [prep] bed with " in BNC.

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1 JACKEY : Tell me , Pamela , hast thou been in bed with thy master ?
2 I might have been in bed with measles when I went to school , but nothing else . ’
3 Just outside Abermule Station on the 26th January 1921 , this train met another head-on , resulting in the deaths of fourteen passengers including Lord Herbert Vane Tempest and Capt. Harold Owen , both directors of the Cambrian Railway and in whose company Haydn Jones should have been in the tea car that morning , had he not been in bed with a chill !
4 SHE 'S been in bed with Michael Douglas and Arnold Schwarzenegger .
5 We have been in bed with the box .
6 Sergei 's bed had n't been slept in , and presumably he 'd been to bed with Masha .
7 For all his own savoir-faire , he had not , apart from his potentially rich wife , been to bed with a virgin .
8 Anna did not say that she was not a virgin , that she had been to bed with two of the men in West Kensington and had been , at seventeen , much inclined to suppose herself in love with one of them .
9 It was someone she had been to bed with .
10 ‘ You , ’ he said , ‘ have you been to bed with her ?
11 He asked her , smiling over the top of his glass , if she had ever been to bed with a man and when she said ‘ not exactly ’ he had burst out laughing and touched her cheek with one strong brown hand .
12 ‘ Made you afraid of men ? ’ he queried , and looked puzzled as to how that could be when he knew that , since leaving Ardis , she had been to bed with his cousin .
13 That you had been to bed with all those — ’
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