Example sentences of "have discovered that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As a matter of interest , Dr Jean Valnet and other doctors in the field of clinical aromatherapy have discovered that blends of certain essential oils are not only more powerful than when used singly , but that the mysterious factor of synergy is at work — the whole becoming greater than the sum of its equal parts .
2 They have discovered that problems that they thought had to be brought in person to a bureau , can in fact be carried out successfully over the telephone .
3 Researchers have discovered that periods of dreaming during sleep are related to times of rapid-eye movement ( REM ) during which the eyes flick from side to side under the eyelids .
4 One example of this is on page 156 when Scout and Jem have discovered that Atticus is sitting outside the county Jail on one of his office chairs and as they cross the square to get nearer to him , four dusty cars come in from the Meridian highway , moving slowly in a line eventually stopping outside the Jail .
5 They have discovered that Oxford has a near monopoly of complaints over breaches of the voluntary advertising code , compared to the rest of the country .
6 Ethnic and sexual minorities , along with feminists and racial separatists , have discovered that art is not just a means of expression , but also a means of proclamation and legitimisation .
7 Tragically , from experience , I have discovered that Government Departments have not been speedy in dealing with the rights of victims of terrorism in Northern Ireland .
8 Goodness knows what we shall do if it needs any alterations , since we have discovered that Ruth is not a needlewoman , and I have far too much to do before we leave . ’
9 Researchers at Ohio State University have discovered that men have much more difficulty remembering dates than women .
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