Example sentences of "have been interested [prep] " in BNC.

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1 From as early as the 1860s , Western scientists have been interested in how these colours were produced .
2 Few human ethologists have been interested in the existential issues of human subjectivity implied by the recognition of inner structure .
3 Not conclusive anyway — he cd have been interested in Development generally … ’
4 Right from the very dawn of the computer age , computer scientists have been interested in teaching a computer to play good chess .
5 I have been interested in the dynamics of the golf swing for ten years , and John is an expert on instrumentation who was able to help me with the experimental work .
6 Whatever men and women have been interested in , concerned about , preoccupied with , either in the line of duty or on the domestic and recreational fronts , they have communicated it in letters , notes , diaries , journals , files , log books and the like .
7 I have been interested in the use of computers for designing knitwear for several years .
8 Howard might well have experienced some kind of contemporary equivalent , and therefore , have been interested in the latest turn of events in Texas .
9 Community development workers , on the other hand , have been interested in health matters for a long time .
10 in choosing a laterality index subsequent authors have been interested in the statistical correlation between various indices of laterality and overall accuracy .
11 I have been interested in the number of representations that I have received from country areas and I see no reason why the Bill can not apply to villages , too .
12 However , I have been interested in the wave of approval which has greeted the new stand which is now nearly complete .
13 Economists and economic historians have been interested in measuring poverty and wealth on a per capita basis for some time , and such data have been available for some of the advanced industrial countries for many years .
14 This fiction has various names : ‘ private eye fiction ’ , ‘ hardboiled fiction ’ which is a way of describing its style , and erm I have been interested in this for some time , partly trying to assess the reasons why such fiction occurred in America as a complete breakaway from the old kind of detective fiction which we all know about , the country house murder , why erm the figure of the private detective becomes so important in this kind of fiction between the wars , and what the relationship of this sort of fiction is to not merely other kinds of American fiction during that period but to more abiding American themes , particularly erm themes of individualism and toughness .
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