Example sentences of "have to [be] able " in BNC.

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1 Apparently no known tank force could break through a six-lane snarl-up , so the authorities have to be able to whistle up a traffic jam within minutes .
2 You have to be able to hold your heads as high as anybody else in Dublin .
3 ‘ You just have to be able to identify the good punters , ’ they say , ‘ the really big hitters , and be able to talk to them , and that 's it basically . ’
4 But the snag is that first you have to be able to recover the GEMs to culture them to do the catechol yellowing test .
5 They not only have to be able to get there but they have to be able to get their words and pictures out .
6 They not only have to be able to get there but they have to be able to get their words and pictures out .
7 But , until then , I have to be able to sort out the confusion for my clients . ’
8 To succeed , they have to be able to draw on their full resources , built up over a lifetime .
9 We have to be able to make distinctions between parents , usually mothers , who are not suspected of involvement and parents , usually — although not exclusively — fathers , who are .
10 We have to be able to make measurements of welfare ; when we have done that , and discovered how good or poor the welfare is , ethical decisions have to be taken , and individuals will have their own ideas about what is acceptable .
11 But there is a limit to how much can be done on these lines , because the sections have to be able to hear each other to maintain precise rhythm .
12 Sometimes you have to be able to handle the phone as well as you handle horses .
13 ‘ All VIA employees have to be able to speak French .
14 Have to be able to talk about it to the owners tonight .
15 ‘ You have to be able to judge the children 's moods , ’ says Sarah .
16 I SEE A COMPARISON BETWEEN yourselves and ‘ The Most Dangerous Band In The World ’ on the Letterman Show in America , in that you have to be able to back anyone who comes on the show .
17 We have to be able to trust someone out there , do n't we ?
18 You have to be able to prove you can do it . ’
19 Apart from focusing your blow , you also have to be able to judge your distance , so that if you ever have to kick or punch somebody , you 'll automatically know whether you can reach them .
20 And as radio and television are largely concerned with talk , these aspirants have to be able to do it to succeed in their quest .
21 For others to regard you as having status , you have to be able to communicate it .
22 But in Pakistan , where the grounds are rough and hard , the ball soon loses its shine and you have to be able to perform with the old one .
23 More importantly , the company 's development people have to be able to handle simultaneously a wide range of projects , often at different stages ( feasibility , formulation development , process scale-up ) and generally on different major compounds ; it is experience which develops both scientific competence and real commercial awareness .
24 Obviously , these tigers have to be able to make regular contact with each other , yet there are very few reserves that satisfy this requirement .
25 The offspring have to be able to reproduce in their turn and this means that they must have sufficient food and space in which to breed .
26 When someone says ‘ Hey , you 're whining again' , you have to be able to say ‘ Thank you ’ , rather than ‘ Who the hell are you to talk ? ’
27 They have to be able to think how long this or that will last , or when it will recur … .
28 In other words we have to be able to demonstrate that we can do better by some sort of synergy in the group ; if we ca n't do that then the group is better broken up and the individual parts allowed to fly free and attract their own shareholding .
29 According to Richard Feigen , ‘ It does the art dealing profession a lot of harm if they are perceived as traffickers of stolen merchandise … dealers have to be able to stand behind what they represent , and know that it was bought legally otherwise you lose your client 's trust ’ .
30 They have to be able to set aside their own intentions , purposes , experiences , and expectations .
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