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1 Detailed studies of the cost of such tied aid have indicated that the resultant prices to the recipient country are typically 20 per cent more than they would have been if the country had a free choice in its supplier .
2 But he said : ‘ Cabra have indicated that the basic proposals are inadequate and unacceptable and have requested further clarification as to the terms of the outline proposals which , at this time , have not been received . ’
3 American studies on skin health have indicated that the over-use of steam treatments ( more than twice a week over many months ) can cause ‘ jungle acne ’ — a disorder brought about by the presence of excess moisture in the skin .
4 However , the recommendations of its members have indicated that the way will be opened up for the abandonment of most restrictions .
5 Studies have indicated that the weight conscious , brainwashed by years of ‘ cut out those carbohydrates ’ advice , tend to avoid the bread and potatoes which supply a good deal of the fibre in most people 's diets .
6 However , researchers have indicated that the main risk factors which might contribute to the symptoms associated with SBS ( such as eye , nose and throat irritation and fatigue ) include problems relating to ventilation , airborne chemical pollution , micro-organisms contained in airborne dust , high temperatures when combined with low humidity , poor lighting and routine jobs .
7 However , studies of children 's communicative abilities prior to the onset of spoken language have indicated that the origins of communication may be traced back to the earliest days after birth , and that full mastery of the morpho-syntactic devices for expressing complex meanings may not be fully understood until early adolescence .
8 Results from a family study combining linkage and segregation analyses have indicated that the ACE/ID polymorphism is unlikely to be the locus directly affecting the variability of plasma ACE , but that it could be a marker in strong linkage disequilibrium with this locus .
9 Both the Black Report ( DHSS 1980 ) and the Health Divide ( Whitehead 1987 ) have indicated that the health experience of the population varies significantly with social class .
10 Dean said : ‘ At a time when government health policy objectives indicate that we need more not fewer community nurses , some health authorities have indicated that the number of district nurses may be halved . ’
11 We have indicated that the unthinking and undiscriminating use of questions — often closed or low-level — may reflect what we term a ‘ taboo on didacticism ’ , a sense that children at all costs must not be told .
12 The title of this article may suggest that I am claiming that all girls are marginalised in mathematics , but I hope that I have indicated that the situation we actually see is far more complicated than this .
13 Empirical studies , comparing Mn and Fe contents of calcite and dolomite with their luminescence , have indicated that the Mn/Fe ratio is the main controlling factor influencing CL intensity in these minerals , at Fe 2 + concentrations below 1% ( Fairchild , 1983 ) .
14 Previous studies by the principal investigator and others have indicated that the approximation may not be satisfactory for the samples sizes typical in economic applications .
15 Appleton et al have indicated that the mucosal proliferative changes brought about in experimental carcinogenesis by small bowel resection or calcium supplementation , or both , are closely linked to tumour yield .
16 Although there is still disagreement as to the relative significance of the various possible mechanisms of plate motion , recent assessments have indicated that the pull of descending lithospheric slabs is the predominant driving force .
17 Officials in the Department of the Environment , which have been advocating such a move for some time against the opposition of the Treasury , have indicated that the introduction of differential rates is still some way off , however .
18 But I mean these , these surveys have indicated that the general public is quite prepared to give that little bit extra through direct t , through direct taxation , well listen , you you guys ca n't speak much after all there 's only thirty one of you and there 's thirty seven of us here let's face it .
19 The Motorola plant , Scotland 's most significant inward investment of recent years , is expected to reach its target employment level of 1,500-2,000 jobs next year , two years ahead of schedule , but senior managers have indicated that the eventual total could be nearer 4,000 if markets continue to perform as robustly as currently projected .
20 Listeners elsewhere in Scotland will be able to hear Radio nan Gaidheal 's evening programmes only on medium wave and in a later slot , as listeners have indicated that the present 6:15 to 7:30pm slot is too early and clashes with prime time Gaelic television .
21 Consistent with this possibility , preliminary mapping studies have indicated that the sites of Sp1 phosphorylation lie outside of the DNA binding domain but within the N-terminal portion of the protein that contains the transcriptional activation domains ( 4 ) .
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