Example sentences of "been expected [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This is not the support that might have been expected for fellow Germans stuck on the communist side after 1945 .
2 Never has so much been expected of general medical practitioners and practice staff ; general practitioners are being pressed to do audit , participate in commissioning , become fundholders , do research , improve consumer responsiveness , and develop new skills in the transfer of services from secondary to primary care and development of community care .
3 Perhaps part of the problem is that far too much has been expected of positivist criminology or , alternatively , positivist criminologists have been responsible for fostering too grandiose expectations .
4 The agreements , particularly that on the reunion of dispersed families , had not been expected by political commentators , but were seen as an important contribution towards providing some fresh momentum for the Premiers ' talks which , after the dramatic progress of December 1991 , had failed to make much progress in succeeding months .
5 Although the tax cuts were lower than many commentators had predicted , Lamont forecast a higher public-sector borrowing requirement ( PSBR ) for both the 1991-92 and 1992-93 financial years than had been expected by financial analysts .
6 A spokesman for Dowty 's says the work had been expected by Dowty landing gear ; and so it wo n't affect the request for workers to take a pay freeze .
7 The actual local air traffic will be compared with the level which would have been expected by natural growth as predicted by a successful Federal Aviation Administration model .
8 Certainly in the matter of military aid , as the working party concluded , the US ( without sending troops ) was in a position to make a unique contribution : but even more positive results might have been expected from economic assistance .
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