Example sentences of "been able [verb] [det] " in BNC.

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1 No one has been able to answer that question .
2 Mr Prescott said yesterday : ‘ For the authority not to have been able to answer these sorts of questions , without going to Eurotunnel at that late stage when rolling stock had already been ordered , is totally unacceptable . ’
3 Doctors at the French town of Moutiers said if they had been told sooner on Saturday they may have been able to save some of the victim 's lives .
4 Doctors at the French town of Moutiers said if they had been told sooner on Saturday they may have been able to save some of the victim 's lives .
5 Erm one of the problems that we 've been facing in the past , certainly , in G P House is the amount of stuff that 's on the floor and therefore we have n't actually been able to tackle these things very effectively .
6 M67 is in the field with Alpha ( 4.2 ) ; it is said to be visible with the naked eye , but I have never been able to confirm this , though with binoculars it is very easy indeed .
7 There is said to be a rough period of about 100 days , but I have never been able to confirm this .
8 Others have not been able to confirm this association .
9 Nevertheless , Rittner has been able to channel those modest resources into a taste of British sculpture , with four artists each contributing one important work of art .
10 ‘ It has meant that the Independent on Sunday has been able to devote more review space to children 's books , and as a consequence many other newspapers are paying greater attention to children 's books . ’
11 She has in recent years been able to devote more time to dressmaking and tailoring — arts which she has perfected to professional standards .
12 And as you 've seen with previous closures of our homes , the last three , is that we 've been able to utilize some of those resources to provide that shift in policy which has been very successful , and has , er , a process that we 've got has allayed people 's fears who 've been used for those residential home agreements .
13 We have been able to demonstrate this at Westbury , for the bones from the rodent earth ( unit 15/8 : see Chapter 6 ) , where careful excavation with dental picks revealed complete bones with constituent parts in position but separated from each other by narrow cracks .
14 It is hoped that this ‘ infrared slavery ’ will explain why quarks are always confined in colorless bound states , but so far no one has been able to demonstrate this really convincingly .
15 The historian , Minois , has delved systematically into the changing status of older people in history , and he has been able to link these changes to the dominant social ideas and circumstances of the time .
16 Hilda Jones , has n't been able to give much information about her attacker .
17 However , the Historic Buildings Council for Scotland has increasingly been able to give some very substantial grants towards churches , ensuring that churches faced with closure because of a repairs crisis have been able to continue in use .
18 To assist in the establishment of such a regime the bureaucracy must have been able to conserve most of its resources intact through the preceding liberal-democratic regime .
19 I have not been able to purchase any more — it seems to be short supply .
20 Of the other stars in Pisces , Theta and Omicron ( each 4.3 ) have K-type spectra ; I can see that Omicron is slightly off-white , but I have never been able to see any colour at all in Theta .
21 I trust I have been able to dilute any misgivings that my letter may have stirred .
22 Attitudes appear to be somewhat unfavourable to ‘ welfare state ’ provision ; Newby ( 1979 ) suggests that influential local interests ( farmers and landowners ) have been keen to minimize local council house building in order to keep down rates — and through key positions on councils have been able to realize this objective .
23 Because , for the past twelve months , Myra had been able to remember these facts , she could not understand why her difficulties about relationships still persisted .
24 He was glad , at any rate , that he had been able to arrange these weeks at ‘ La Felicità ’ , a summer which they would always remember .
25 Voting patterns are a complex business and my colleague , Keith Britto , who is an expert in these things , tells me that no research has been able to disentangle all the strands of voting motivation , a crucial point to remember in planning a campaign !
26 She must have been able to lick enough water to keep alive , ’ he said .
27 It will become clear on June 5th whether the president has been able to exploit this split .
28 It might have been different had Charlotte been able to claim any success for her American trip .
29 Eliot had a bad attack of bronchitis in June , which forced him to stay in bed for a week , but in July his sister , Marian , and a niece arrived from America and he went with them to Suffolk for ten days — the first holiday he had been able to take all year .
30 For it had dawned upon her suddenly why she had been able to take such pure pleasure in the Lord Owen 's triumph , unspotted by any tincture of regret or sympathy for these humbled princes driven so ignominiously out of Wales at his hands .
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