Example sentences of "been an easy [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Yet even those outside the profession will know it has not been an easy road recently .
2 1992 has not been an easy year , but both the underlying business performance , BP 's general high reputation , and a tremendous buy-in by all of our people to the concept of teamworking makes me confident about 1993 , without expecting too much in the way of improvement in the overall economic environment .
3 It has n't been an easy year for the mother of two grown-up children , as anxious pet-owners have been known to telephone at four o' clock in the morning to ask about their cats or dogs .
4 It had not been an easy concept to grasp at first , but ‘ we 're getting better at being businessmen , ’ Mr. Lockley said .
5 But however frustrated he was , however jealous of his younger brother 's reputation as a successful soldier , it can not have been an easy decision .
6 It had n't been an easy decision for him in any regard .
7 I had always found visiting my mother-in-law difficult ; it had never been an easy relationship .
8 Apart from his Midlands Grand National triumph in 1990 he also gained a verdict over Norton 's Coin at Cheltenham — two months before that horse 's Gold Cup success — and would have been an easy winner of the Greenall Whitley Chase but for falling when clear at the last fence .
9 He can not have been an easy man and had , at least , a ferociously sober intelligence .
10 I have n't been an easy man to live with for the past year .
11 It is this portability aspect of programs , and the conventional hardware — software distinction that goes with it , that has most interested those in AI who have concerned themselves with the relation of brains to minds : there has been an easy temptation to exploit the hardware — software distinction as a model of the brain — mind distinction .
12 However , amid rapid development and shooting commercial rentals in Wimbledon , this has not been an easy search .
13 Even in daylight with every faculty at full steam it would n't have been an easy search , and as things were it was abysmal .
14 Dear Harsnet , he wrote , I want simply to tell you that work on your notes connected with the Big Glass is at last under way and that I have remained scholarly and impartial throughout what has not been an easy task , in view of what you say about me and especially about my family , and which you must have known would give offense .
15 It had n't been an easy task , and in spite of his burning ambition and will to succeed .
16 Distributing next year 's maintained payment between the two new companies has clearly not been an easy task and question marks must remain over the board 's decision just to split the 1993 payment straight down the middle with the promise that each company will not pay less than 27.5p a share .
17 We should consider Spain 's experience since joining the exchange rate mechanism because that has not been an easy option for Spain .
18 Some of these byroads have developed a heavier traffic since they were first laid out , and in these instances it has been an easy matter to take in more of the verges and to widen the road surface .
19 It has n't been an easy time , even for the professions , and while law firms have had to cut back on staffing , they face having to get more out of the personnel they have left in terms of client service .
20 Such an organization would have been an easy target for Labour 's disciplinarians .
21 It has not been an easy ride , however .
22 Ian , thanks ever so much , it 's not necessarily been an easy ride for you , but we 're glad to know you and we look forward to meeting you again .
23 For the chief sub-editor , Daniel Vernet , it has not been an easy transition : ‘ We had to make sure that the paper read as a single publication , but that each section stood up on its own , while avoiding undue repetition , ’ he explains .
24 Again , we have paid lip-service to this for a long time , but it has not been an easy ideal to achieve .
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