Example sentences of "been of [adj] interest " in BNC.

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1 These two treatises gave classic expression to the opposing arguments about the eucharist , and they have been of great interest to theologians ever since .
2 Over recent years , the parish has been of great interest archaeologically and excavations have revealed signs of occupation from neolithic man to the Middle Ages .
3 Sir , — It has been of great interest for me to read of small company audits in recent issues , and especially the approaches of other members .
4 The prisoner 's dilemma — a game where two players have to decide whether to co-operate with each other or cheat — has long been of great interest to economists .
5 The state of the weather has always been of great interest and almost every column has a full account .
6 Although I am anxious to avoid entering into aesthetic theory or acting theory to any large extent it has to be conceded that the topic I have been tackling here , the logical relationship between emotion occurring and emotion described has been of central interest to aestheticians and acting theorists alike .
7 We apply such a combination here to an issue which has been of central interest to urban sociology : the state , its concentration of power , and its relation to people 's daily lives .
8 In Britain public examination results have always been of internal interest to schools , although they have been used as only crude indicators in evaluating a school 's performance .
9 So Wilson 's work of ‘ Cader Idris ’ , even if only seen by Green as a print , must have been of seminal interest .
10 Any landowners who had been successful in this kind of enterprise would certainly have been of immediate interest to Paulus in his search for enemies of the State , as exploiters of pagan superstition .
11 Locke 's discussion of personal identity , which was added in the second edition of the Essay on the suggestion of Molyneux , has been of lasting interest to philosophers .
12 One must appreciate that with the passing of time all things progress ; what may have been of considerable interest to one generation may not be to the next .
13 Sadism had always been of theoretical interest to Freud , and he suggests in Beyond the Pleasure Principle that it derives its energy from the death instincts .
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