Example sentences of "have [vb pp] [art] big " in BNC.

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1 Celebrities have given a big welcome back to a theatre that 's reopened after a two hundred thousand pound pound refit .
2 In most instances , though not all , I have listed the bigger titles first .
3 Recent projects have included the big Toyota plant in Derbyshire , the Honda plant in Swindon , Fujitsu in County Durham and Nissan in Tyne and Wear ( which is now to export cars to Japan ! ) .
4 These countries have won the biggest overseas slices of Calpers 's $14 billion fund .
5 The Prime Minister heads the Government who have imposed the biggest tax burden in British history .
6 Almost exactly a year ago , Enid Jones , an assistant secretary in the department , told a select committee of the House of Lords : ‘ We have done a big exercise on [ how to safeguard supplies ] but ministers have not reached a decision .
7 Shock increase in young mums-to-be NEW figures have revealed a big rise in the number of teenage pregnancies in Hartlepool .
8 The regulators have made a big effort to prevent KKR 's involvement openly breaching the famous walls between banking and commerce .
9 Living with the family in Richmond is bewildering , and although I would never admit it I feel as though I have made a big mistake .
10 ‘ I knew I could beat Robin Reid , who qualified for the Olympics , and I just hope that winning the title will show the selectors they have made a big mistake . ’
11 The safety gates have made a big difference , since I 've gotten them erm I 've got peace of mind for the stairs and I can answer the phone and I have n't got to like keep trying to pull them downstairs and do do different things .
12 Denis Smith says the three players he 's bought have made a big difference .
13 CARDIFF rugby club have made the biggest signing in their history .
14 Customs officers at Dover have made the biggest ever heroin seizure in Britain ; it 's sixty kilos with a street value of ten million pounds .
15 Figures from Grand Metropolitan yesterday also show that higher interest rates have had a big impact on people 's willingness to eat out .
16 Figures from Grand Metropolitan yesterday also show that higher interest rates have had a big impact on people 's willingness to eat out .
17 The company 's 486s have had the biggest facelifts .
18 ‘ But we have had the biggest increase in home repossessions in the North-East from 101 in 1990 to 238 in 1991 .
19 ‘ I have got a big God who 's looking after me , ’ said Mr Treweek , who is a born-again Christian .
20 So if we pick metals that have got a big difference in their electrical potentials , we 're gon na get a useful battery .
21 Ooh you have got a big frame , have n't you ?
22 ‘ We will be back in the summer for perhaps a couple of days when we have got the bigger picture and can ask more intelligent questions , ’ he said .
23 ONLY three Boxing day meetings have escaped the big freeze .
24 Mr Zhao 's fate , and by association his legacy , have become a big bone of contention in the leadership .
25 Foreign investors have played a big part in pushing up share prices .
26 Some of them have played a big part at local council level and it does n't turn nationalists into unionists .
28 Since the Vietnamese withdrawal , the two non-communist resistance factions - the Khmer Peoples National Liberation Front ( KPNLF ) and the Sihanoukists - have mounted a big offensive with an even bigger publicity campaign to boost their credibility .
29 The trust 's European bond portfolio was sold in the period at ‘ a useful profit ’ , the board reveals , while reductions in European and Japanese investments have financed a big rise in the percentage of assets held in south-east Asia — from 20.7 per cent to 26.5 per cent .
30 But the national weather forecasts , sponsored by PowerGen , have caused the biggest storms .
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