Example sentences of "were standing [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There were puffins everywhere : the sky was full of whirring wings , and hundreds of birds were standing around on the grassy slope which was honeycombed with puffin burrows .
2 Unable to get a drink , the workers were standing around in the street listening to pacifist orators .
3 They were standing around in frozen postures like a group caught when the music stops in a game of Statues .
4 They were standing up at UFO and saying : ‘ This is fucking rubbish , people are being killed in Vietnam ’ , and some people would say ‘ It 's all in your head man ’ .
5 The Youngs were standing up in the dining room , ready to go to bed .
6 Gilbert and Frye were standing up against the glass panes of the reception area , staring out into the storm-ravaged night .
7 He noticed that the veins were standing out on Michael 's forehead and against his will felt a surge of apprehension .
8 Across the bridge in Aberfeldy more people than usual were standing about on the dried mud of the half-built streets .
9 Little clusters of guests were standing about on the cobblestones between the houses , looking at a loss .
10 They were standing about as if in a daze , gazing about at the littered corpses and wounded .
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