Example sentences of "were already [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She looked nervously at the western sky , tumultuous with dark clouds that had so hastened the dusk that the first lamps were already being lit in the city 's archways and windows .
2 Planning permission was sought and granted at breakneck speed and the foundations were already being excavated for twenty-four executive-type four to five bedroom ‘ dwelling units ’ with two garages apiece but no gardens .
3 But the 2-1 favourite was under pressure almost from the outset and betting slips were already being crumpled before the second circuit .
4 It allayed doubts about the technique and its freedom from cultural determinants that were already being expressed .
5 Defects in Scottish housing were already being tackled vigorously by local housing authorities , Scottish Homes , the new town development corporations and housing associations .
6 Most significantly in Argentina , Brazil and Mexico , where the organised working classes were large and strong , longer-term strategies to forestall the problems posed by labour militancy were already being implemented .
7 Doubts of the sincerity of her much-advertised desire for reform were already being voiced in the early years of her reign .
8 The troops of the former USSR Interior Ministry were already being withdrawn from the disputed Armenian enclave of Nagorny Karabakh in Azerbaijan [ see also p. 38582 ] .
9 I guess that plans were already being made when I was born , for a year or so later my Dad left for London .
10 Unknown to her , requests were already being made for a transfer .
11 After all , in the real world , compositors " wages were already being threatened by cheap male labour — that of apprentices and non-union men for instance .
12 The shoddy tower-blocks and monotonous housing estates into which the ex-peasants were already being herded twenty-five years ago were in fact the first stage of systematically transforming life in the country .
13 Cameras were already being mounted on cars for action scenes and cameras were mounted on cars again in the 1960s onwards , sometimes even for dialogue scenes ( they could be rerecorded later , if necessary ) .
14 These last questions were already being raised in the heyday of Liberal Theology itself , as we shall find later in this chapter , and with devastating effect .
15 When the prayers for his soul were already being said , he took another sheet of paper and began to write again .
16 The excavation of Upper Palaeolithic burials has shown that they were already being sewn onto clothing in positions which suggest that their role was symbolic as well as decorative .
17 However , the first working-class terraced houses were already being built on Everton Road , a street that was to be described in 1875 as ‘ a dense thoroughfare of a somewhat shabby and second rate character ’ .
18 As they had stumbled out of the incident room , new names were already being scribbled up on the action boards with blue marker pens — yet more people to be trawled by the team of detective constables .
19 Crops were already being grown and were undoubtedly attracting rats and mice in large numbers .
20 White nephrite rings were already being distributed , presumably from this source , as far west as Seima near Gorki at the confluence of the Oka and the Volga at a period broadly contemporary with the Shang dynasty .
21 Gas and oil pipelines were already being laid and the first oil and gas field at Eckofisk was more or less ready to come on stream at that time .
22 They worked out that the dots and dashes of the Morse code ( which were already being used in the telegraph system ) could be used by flashing lights at night and waving flags or arms during the day .
23 Of his forty seven recommendations for action at Wymott , thirty five were already being put into effect .
24 It appeared that lessons were already being learned .
25 Of course it was not possible to devise a service that would be all things to all people : some of the needs would be inconsistent with others , some were already being addressed in other projects , some were less crucial .
26 Although other idealistic communities were already being established in America at that period , few who saw the Pantisocratic scheme in its early growth were ever convinced that it could succeed .
27 Most of these were already being worked on , but three chief officers , together with the director of purchasing and three unit general managers decided to form The X Factor Group .
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