Example sentences of "were consider to [be] " in BNC.

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1 Areas where the legislation was felt to be insufficiently strong included many rights which were considered to be beneficial in theory but ineffectual in practice .
2 Despite objections from United 's machinists ' union , the participation of management , and BA 's equity contribution , were considered to be ample assurance to potential investors in Airline Acquisition 's junk bonds .
3 Its civil jurisdiction was encroached upon , as contracts made and wrongs done abroad or at sea were brought within the jurisdiction of the ordinary courts by fictions , such as the pretence that such towns as Bordeaux were within the area of , say , Cheapside , so that many international commercial transactions were considered to be purely municipal .
4 Brownie and Lola were young and defiant at a time when those who went their own way were considered to be delinquent .
5 This suggests GPs were attempting to deal , both medically and compulsorily , and only in the case of women , with problems which at subsequent assessment were considered to be primarily about social relationships .
6 The two innermost trees were cut down in 1771 as they were considered to be impoverishing the soil and shading the flowers in the Garden , but the others stood guard by the watergate for another hundred years and no doubt caused interested comment from river travellers .
7 In all six companies the corporate planning department formulated a list of environmental issues which were considered to be of key importance to the company as a whole .
8 Its staff , which was drawn from the Board and the East India Company , were considered to be part of the Home Civil Service , but there were two important differences from the other departments .
9 The majority of interviewees were not well informed about the services provided by the CSSU , and , partly as a consequence , the services were considered to be inadequate .
10 were considered to be arctica and 45 per cent .
11 Earlier it was revealed that the EPA management had compiled a ‘ hit list ’ of scientific advisers whose politics were considered to be out of harmony with the Reagan administration 's environmental philosophy .
12 But no doubt such observations were considered to be ‘ old wives ’ tales ' .
13 The amount of industrial waste imported into Britain has multiplied dramatically in the last six years : in 1986/87 some 183,000 tonnes of waste were imported into Britain for treatment or incineration , of which 53,000 were considered to be hazardous .
14 As the waters were considered to be particularly efficacious in spring , the first Sunday in May became known around the Calder Valley as Spaw Sunday .
15 At one time the Pinot Blanc and the Chardonnay , which used to be erroneously called the Pinot Chardonnay , were considered to be one and the same , which is why there is usually evidence of its existence wherever the Chardonnay is traditionally cultivated .
16 This fascinating document , completed in 1941 , after its aged author had once again perambulated the African continent , shows the extent to which accommodation to change and the continuation of control were considered to be compatible goals of policy .
17 In the west , however , the acupuncture meridians and their accompanying acupuncture points were viewed with great scepticism and were considered to be merely figments of the imagination .
18 Previously , extractor fans and smoke detectors were considered to be items not ordinarily installed but , since 1 October 1992 , extractor fans and hard-wired smoke detectors installed in new housing to comply with Building Regulations are eligible for zero-rating .
19 Of the 297 monitoring visits carried out by the ACCA in the year to 30 September 1992 , only 134 firms ( 45% ) were found to be satisfactory ; 139 firms ( 47% ) failed either because they had poorly developed quality controls over audit work or because some of their audit opinions were questionable ; and a further 23 firms ( 8% ) were considered to be ‘ potentially in breach of audit regulations or the ACCA 's professional conduct rules , to such an extent as to warrant immediate action ’ .
20 I can assure Mr Faris that the issues he raises were looked at and that the disclosures adopted were considered to be the most appropriate in the circumstances .
21 Two points were considered to be crucial .
22 Public utilities such as electricity , gas , water and telecommunications provided the best examples of what were considered to be natural monopolies , although when technological advances are made , certain industries formerly classed as natural monopolies may cease to be so ( eg telecommunications ) .
23 Only letter strings which appeared in this dictionary were considered to be correct .
24 Its housing , shopping , school and medical facilities were considered to be excellent and so very attractive to the London-based staff .
25 They were interested , but their fees were considered to be too high .
26 In contrast , trade unions in France had too little organisational strength in the workplace to be able to inflict major economic losses on the firm and they were considered to be too ideologically radical to be permitted a higher degree of participation .
27 His landscapes were considered to be supreme examples of photographic technique , a number of them being published .
28 Ships sailing to India which were not directly owned or managed by the Company were considered to be permanently chartered to the Company , but the value of the charter to the vessel 's owners and officers was determined by the port to which it was sent , and that was a decision made by the Company .
29 While the planned closure of both Digby and Exminster did mean some transitory inter-hospital transfers , both the chronic long-stay population and elderly people with dementia were considered to be better cared for in the community .
30 And erm fire-fighting but her manicure is perfect Home front hands can still be charming , tangee lipstick for beauty on duty Now foundation garments were considered to be an essential part of the trim active image which it was every woman 's duty to project .
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