Example sentences of "were [v-ing] around [art] " in BNC.

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1 It was seven P.M. ; already military police were sniffing around the clubs and bars of what Texans call ‘ occupied Mexico ’ .
2 Three men in black overcoats and dark glasses were fussing around the long cars and a small crowd had gathered to weep and wonder .
3 More than half of the comprehensive schools in existence by 1968 were of the orthodox 11–18 variety , and most arrangements were crystallizing around the approved versions of 10/65 .
4 They were driving around the Green and the smell of damp earth and undergrowth was rich , overlaying even the sharp car fumes .
5 Barely a year ago investors were swarming around the airline business like bees around a honeypot ; airlines were forging grand global alliances .
6 By now the ship was firmly embedded in the shoal and the breakers were forming around the ship .
7 I said to a companion while we were wandering around the city .
8 Here we were greeted by the farmer and his wife , whose sheep and pigs were wandering around the road and the village .
9 Under the astute leadership of its general secretary , Bruce Kent , it made room for the various local and single-issue groups that were mushrooming around the country .
10 They 'd had plenty of bait four nights ago , then another two helpings of bait on another two nights and , although they were moving around the swim as was evidenced by line bites and rolling , they were just not inclined to feed — whatever the conditions .
11 Furthermore , if the members of the harmonie rustique were moving around the stage as part of the spectacle , it seems much less likely that they would have been changing instruments picking up a flute for one number , a bassoon for another than they might have done had they been playing from a pit .
12 Men in shirtsleeves and women in summer dresses were strolling around the airport and ice-cream vendors were doing a brisk trade .
13 Forty to fifty lean tough dockers who were milling around the hut chatting and laughing , came to an expectant hush at his command .
14 Humans were milling around the base of the Ship .
15 The incident , which happened while several people including children were milling around the van , is being treated by police as attempted murder .
16 The incident , which happened while several people including children were milling around the van , is being treated by police as attempted murder .
17 The incident , which took place while several people , including children , were milling around the van , is being treated by police as attempted murder .
18 When you and I were in our slit trenches sheltering from the shit that 's flying about , these two here were running around the orchard picking up the dead and wounded . ’
19 In the closing years of the nineteenth century , just as the eastern Germans were leaving the land and deserting the east , at the very time that the Polish population of the border districts was on the rise , the theoretical and practical policies of both the Polenpolitik and the Kulturkampf were hardening around the drive towards industrial and imperial expansion — if not overseas , which was almost impossible — then in the eastern borderlands .
20 Harvey 's two kids were chasing around the trees in their pyjamas .
21 We were eventually released and returned to find some of the crew busily repairing the mainsail on the dock , while the rest , with Tandri and the officers , were being bullied by lesser officials who were nosing around the hold and demanding to see their personal possessions .
22 She got into the coach , the steps were folded up , and in a moment the horses were trotting around the house towards the main drive .
23 We had finished dinner and were sitting around the campfire .
24 The boys were screaming around the yard outside with companions attracted by the commotion .
25 The men and boys who were working around the stables looked across curiously to see the strangers .
26 The marching men were disappearing around the curve of the wall .
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