Example sentences of "have [be] doing [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Here are some of MMC 's recommendations and what we , in AEA , have been doing about them :
2 ‘ What we have been doing over the last few weekends is exercising our right to search someone if we have a reasonable belief that they are carrying a weapon , ’ said Mr Wood .
3 We have been doing over the past few nights
4 The work we have been doing on the standardisation of company codes has started to pay dividends .
5 It 's fascinating and deals with attitude and mind control , using a technique called ‘ visualisation ’ which is more or less what I have been doing with my Knights .
6 Understand what Free People have been doing to me .
7 ‘ I do not wish to be hard upon poor people in great affliction ; but I can not help thinking that they have been doing for hundreds of years past something very like what the Bible calls ‘ tempting God' ’ — staking their property and their lives upon the chances or no earthquakes coming , while they ought to have known that an earthquake might come an day . ’
8 County clubs , meanwhile , can help by welcoming former players , be they great or small , and in particular by forming old player associations , as Somerset has done in the last few seasons , as some have been doing for decades .
9 That kind of riding is what horses have been doing for centuries .
10 In the mid-1980s the Uighur students called for independence from China , as the Tibetans have been doing for decades .
11 ‘ Let me see what you have been doing for us , ’ Charles said smiling widely beneath his white moustache .
12 I do n't know then what we have been doing for the last four weeks , when we first asked . ’
13 Community care is what SSDs have been doing for decades .
14 One way to give ourselves new heart is to go where books and readers meet , and this is what I have been doing for the past year , working in secondary schools on research funded by the British Library .
15 ‘ It 's what men have been doing for centuries . ’
16 Many of our clients now embrace the concept of Total Quality Management which simply formalises something else that we have been doing for years .
17 Perhaps my hon. Friend does not know that the Government have just announced that they intend to nationalise the private enterprise operation that I am running , which entails my sending those replies to all Opposition Members — as I have been doing for the past three months — and , this month , to Conservative Members , following an offer made to their Whips some time ago .
18 We are fighting to trade freely and openly within the law , as we have been doing for many years .
19 What Reader 's Digest with its enormous great computers have been doing for at least ten years , now people with small computers and a word-processing package can do for themselves , and certainly they would be selecting from their customer lists particular people to send particular advertising to and special letters .
20 That is what you have been doing by lying about the many things you say took place . ’
21 Green also records what his children have been doing by themselves — the girls visiting Keswick neighbours to drink tea , or going with their brothers on a journey to Kendal , or sometimes dining out , as when they visited Mr. James Fleming at Grasmere .
22 But eventually the arguments all boil down to the fact that it is more economic to harvest the rainforest sustainably than clear-fell it in the idiotic way we have been doing until now , and that this is of immense benefit to us , the human species , because of the maintenance of that genetic diversity which will cure all sorts of dreadful diseases in the future .
23 There is also a ‘ Stop and Check ’ revision section in the Workbook after every third unit to allow students to review what they have been doing in class and to decide their own priorities for future self-study .
24 Ehm er chair er Sheila from Harlow secretary of the film society which has operated here since the playhouse opened moved from the town hall er we do get people past the door we have been doing in years erm and I personally I 'm also here as an individual I 've been an arts lover for forty five years of my life in Harlow .
25 To give you some insight into the kind of research we have been doing in order to grasp the concept of innovative climate , I will present two sets of data .
26 If inflation is too much money pursuing too few goods , it does not follow that we must — as we have been doing in this country — reduce the supply of money all the time and thus have the disastrous consequences for industry that have occurred .
27 While it is perfectly valid for children to step back from what they have been doing in drama and write about it , the exciting alternative of writing ( or drawing , or carrying out scientific experiments ) within the context of the drama , as the characters they are playing , produces lively and highly motivated work .
28 A dejected Leeds boss Howard Wilkinson said : ‘ We did as we have been doing in every game .
29 Meanwhile , in this closing scene , the water hyacinths proceed towards the sea , as they have been doing throughout the action .
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