Example sentences of "an emphasis on [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The danger in the education system is that there will be an emphasis on procedures and practices at the expense of personal growth and relationships .
2 According to him an emphasis on processes makes such great demands upon the teacher ( an insight gained when he was director of the Humanities Curriculum Project ) that any proposal for curriculum development should be regarded as tentative , having the status of an hypothesis to be tested by teachers in their own classrooms .
3 In the first two years , the post ‘ A ’ level language programmes introduce students to a wide range of social , political and economic registers , with an emphasis on oral as well as written skills .
4 In it , a positive conception of caring contrasts with the purely negative policy of non-interference suggested by an emphasis on rights .
5 Consequently , environmental auditing in the US has an emphasis on compliance with regulations .
6 Weber saw capitalism as characterised by an emphasis on work and activity and highlighted the effect this had on the moral as well as the economic and political development of a society .
7 In conclusion , the Survey indicated that its results demanded an emphasis on improvements in practice management and that the service could be faster and more responsive to users ' needs .
8 An emphasis on spontaneity , immediacy and the ‘ existence ’ throws into relief one of the senses in which communitas contrasts with structure .
9 With the experience of a long and close association with world class designers , notably German Frers , we have developed a superb range of graceful and seakindly ocean cruising yachts with an emphasis on style and effortless performance .
10 We learn to pray with a believing heart , with an emphasis on trust rather than on understanding .
11 A particular feature of the course is the option for students to take the extended course leading to an MEng with an emphasis on software project management and team leadership .
12 So , all in all , Uzzell said he felt quite reassured by the results — ‘ with the shift away from a hardware-oriented industry towards an emphasis on software , services and global networking , integrators who understand business issues have a vital role to play in the industry ’ .
13 Page 's departure has stoked fears in some quarters that Next is preparing to abandon the hardware market , favouring instead an emphasis on software publishing .
14 This distinctive perspective is derived from a focus on the concrete , as opposed to the abstract , and is characterised by an emphasis on responsibility rather than on rights .
15 AN emphasis on customer choice and portability is being offered by the North of England Building Society for a new five-year fixed rate mortgage .
16 The special characteristics of the industry itself led to an emphasis on rules designed to regulate the forms of product and labour market competition .
17 An emphasis on experience without general knowledge confines pupils rather than educating them .
18 These three strands tended to complement the well established qualitative models of Davis and Penck and the blend of the four approaches adopted in textbooks tended to vary according to author and date of writing , with an emphasis on factors and measurement in the earlier books ( e.g. Young , 1972 ) and a more theoretical foundation stressed in others ( Carson and Kirkby , 1972 ) .
19 The membership was drawn from the industrial conurbations of Yorkshire , and placed an emphasis on self-improvement and knowledge and understanding of the countryside .
20 The Vth Republic is the embodiment of the second of two choices which French constitutions have made : on the one hand , an emphasis upon government accountable to France 's traditionally very fragmented and non-consensual society , at the expense of ‘ order and future goals ’ ; and on the other , an emphasis on order and future goals at the expense of parliamentary representation and accountability .
21 The Convention traditionally puts an emphasis on evangelism .
22 in general there is perhaps a little bit too much of an emphasis on beliefs and saying the right thing — giving the right word .
23 Flatter organisations and an emphasis on empowerment may encourage this trend .
24 The perpetrators are held to be responsible for their actions and there is an emphasis on retribution , not only against the murderer or murderers , but also against the social workers who , it is claimed , failed the child .
25 Dealers reporting successful sales included Hilary Gerrish of Lott and Gerrish whose stand featured the usual range of British prints with an emphasis on wood-engravings .
26 ‘ We believe that the seafront area should feature continental-type cafes , with an emphasis on families .
27 At the time it was found that a major drawback in dual-purpose cattle was that they often failed to breed true : the offspring tended towards either the beef or the dairy type of the breed 's dual-purpose spectrum , partly because of breeders ' preferences but partly , it was believed , because the dual-purpose breeds were effectively hybrids : if they had begun to show too great an emphasis on dairy characteristics , extreme beef sires were introduced to draw them back to their dual-purpose role , and likewise extreme dairy sires were used when they became too beefy .
28 In them there is an avoidance of subjective emotion , an abhorrence of rhetoric , an emphasis on simplicity , with terseness and economy of expression ( the first — subjectivism — not shared by Leonard , of course ) .
29 The traditional stress on preventive and rescue work was now twinned with an emphasis on legislation to outlaw obscenity , indecency and the foreign traffic in young girls .
30 An emphasis on skill without understanding is an emphasis on passivity and subservience .
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