Example sentences of "we go [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 At Buitoni we go even further and blend a full five eggs — quality controlled and fully pasteurised — into each kilo .
2 As we go even deeper to five thousand metres the concentrations begin to right again and the ratio begins to change .
3 We 're tiny and it 's a big world and we never stop to learn enough about where we are before we go somewhere else .
4 I my power at that , that place and nowhere else and nobody agreed and , well , they say we go somewhere else , and .
5 We wait , he catches up and we go on again .
6 Okay before we go on then and look at the roles of channels in biology , let's look at how channels are classified briefly .
7 Now we go on then , to the section obtaining the evidence by experiment .
8 We go on now to look at the importance of the dialogue , and the problems which can occur when communication breaks down .
9 Got to see how we go on really .
10 ‘ Are we agreed that we go on together as friends ? ’
11 We rely on collections and donations and when we go round again people may say they have already given .
12 But if we go round there , and they get the china cups out .
13 Lovely place they say , but we go no further north than Southend for our holiday .
14 We go no further . ’
15 We go over now live to Cheltenham and our reporter Richard Barnett who 's outside the Dowty headquarters .
16 Well what he said to us , if I go up we go up together , he said .
17 We go up there to get cheap cigarettes , petrol and groceries . ’
18 And we 're getting three squares to the centimetre so we go up there two centimetres and we get the so if we go up every two squares
19 We go up there .
20 Two , three why you got ta get some money before we go up there then ?
21 We go up there sometimes on a Saturday night , cos my brother and his wife .
22 Well let's have a think , we 'll , we 'll have a think and then have a look , if we go up there it 's a huge furniture place , they wo n't have just one they 'll have more than one ok ?
23 We stand there with two choices : either we turn back the way we came — which may be safer but ai n't gon na get us far — or we go straight ahead past the police van , pretending we are lawfully about our business .
24 So er I do n't mind at all being interrupted if anyone has questions as we go along please shout them out it gives me a little breather with me voice and gives a chance to deal with things in the right place if need be .
25 If I 'm not teaching I 'm marking in th to actually get a lecture through cos I was given this with about a weeks ' notice you see , so I did n't have a chance to prepare the stuff for this course other than as we go along Right ?
26 And you say , today we 're , tonight we 're talking you over to the hub and we 're going to show you all this , and I take them and get over there about ten o'clock , and we go along there to , to look at the , the slats and the trays and there are all these masters flying around being terribly excited about this , terrific noises , and they say , God this is great , but how many parcels will go through tonight ?
27 Right so maybe , before we go any farther , with this er if we just , just before we do that .
28 It must be pointed out before we go any further that my friends in Harwich had a rather distorted picture of my life in that they only ever saw the best of me .
29 However , before we go any further with this rather depressing picture it is important to underline that we are not of course talking about all people over retirement age in some blanket category of dwindling power .
30 Before we go any further , try this exercise :
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