Example sentences of "we can certainly [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 We can certainly offer you everything you need on a self employed basis .
2 But we can certainly hold them up . ’
3 As far as the stress on his philosophical bent is concerned , we can certainly grant ( and not only with hindsight ) that Nietzsche was substantially correct .
4 Entities , being elements of a specifically linguistic domain which we shall call the intensional level , may or may not have a referent in some real or imaginary external world ; we can certainly talk about an entity while uncertain of the existence of any related " thing " in the world about which we are speaking , or even while explicitly rejecting such an existence .
5 We can certainly make some progress towards doing so by peeling away the gender-drama from the conflicts of ideals in which it has often figured , and trying to see those conflicts in sex-neutral terms .
6 I can tell you , we can certainly tell the er , yes .
7 We can certainly arrange that , should SUPPLYKITS go public . ’
8 We can certainly prefer not carrying endless scuttles of coal up from the cellar .
9 ‘ If we can stay at or near the top until Christmas , then our chances get even better and we can certainly expect to finish in the top six at least .
10 And now if with your wish we can certainly go ahead and make sure it is in tip top condition .
11 And if that would be helpful er we can certainly give this to er erm panel secretary for circulation erm today .
12 We can certainly give you ten .
13 We can certainly take shortcuts if we wish , perhaps using creative visualisation on its own — and sometimes with spectacular success .
14 We can certainly take this point : on David Frost 's programme the right hon. and learned Member for Monklands , East did not have a thought in his head about the phasing in of any of those changes .
15 Francis added : ’ We can certainly take heart from what Leeds and Celtic have done and , having already played Kaiserslautern , I 'm still convinced we can win through . ’
16 We can certainly substitute for these no problem .
17 We can certainly agree that political sociologists have not confined their attention to the narrower governmental sphere or believed that this constitutes a part ( albeit an important part ) of the world of politics .
18 We can certainly agree that coal sales are dominated today by the contracts between the generating companies and British Coal .
19 These are the only rights of persons ( we can certainly call them rights since they are protected by law ) that it is necessary and makes sense to attribute to the infant now .
20 He flashed Helen a nice white smile : ‘ We can certainly get the income up on what it is now .
21 But we can certainly get er you done Elizabeth at School .
22 When we need to forgive someone else we know we can not just forget it right away , but we can certainly say it is not on file against them any more .
23 We can certainly say that in an important sense a record is finished — finite , objectified — in a way that oral performance is not ; indeed , in this sense it is , ironically , recordings rather than scores which represent an extreme form of reified abstraction ( with the resulting potential alienation of producer and consumer ) .
24 And if you 're interested in riding , we can certainly find you a suitable mount . ’
25 We can certainly win those three remaining games and if we do , the picture might be totally different , ’ said Spurs ' chief executive .
26 We can expect no more than that , and we can certainly ask for no less .
27 Very briefly , Peter Davis , North Yorkshire County Council , you raised the issue of procedures looking at the er post two thousand and six scenario within the light of er a statutory greenbelt er at that time , and I would envisage that the County Council and the Districts , if indeed we 're all er in business at er er in in in the next century , would probably want to run a similar sort of exercise that they would be ran through the end of the eighties , and that is to sit down together , er and look at all the options , er that are available for Greater York , in the same way that they did it in ninety eighty nine , one additional factor at that time would be that er the greenbelt would be statutory , and it would be statutory if the County Council and ninety five percent of the district support on sites would be a tight greenbelt so the options would be looked at erm er in that context , on the comments that er Miss Whittaker , erm questions that Miss Whittaker raised , there is a paper that the County Council produced for the greenbelt local plan enquiry that I remember well as N Y Two , which set out in detail the various components , erm of the York greenbelt in addition to the historic title that the that the focus of the green belt comes across a variety of of of of matters , and if it if it is helpful to this panel that document was acceptable by and large , supported by the District , we can certainly put that in , and can circulate it round .
28 have difficulties but we can certainly provide you with a er numbered bundle .
29 It seems that individual work with some group work is often beneficial , and we can certainly turn to the computer to provide some material .
30 By the time we come , at a later stage again , to any evidence of actual work , we can certainly see the fulfilment of the latter function , in the very common eulogy or encomium of men in power .
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