Example sentences of "we can ever [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 The problem is if we can ever trap Hauser in a situation that 's illegal we 'll need every witness we can get .
2 But I mean really if the auditors do n't put , point out some of these things like the level of directors ' salaries and the level of erm ongoing deficit and blah blah blah which now come to light , I do n't see really how we can ever hope to discover them .
3 There 's no way that we can ever hope to get along better than we already do ! ’
4 And he offers provision far more than we can ever expect .
5 If we can ever persuade them to make any more there should they they should be cheaper .
6 A take away and caff at the South end of the main street near sign posts in miles and furlongs , also unique in our experience it serves the finest battered cod we can ever recall eating .
7 I believe that it is as close as we can ever come to a universal truth in the history of prisons — that lack of work for prisoners is the greatest cause of indiscipline , unrest and unhappiness among the prisoners .
8 just as the ermine changes it coat for winter ; just as the seed can lie dormant for thousands of years ; just as the bacteria and the rotifers can live in their desiccated time capsules for perhaps longer than we can ever envisage , awaiting a change of outer circumstances for the tiny living specks of dust to take on another form — just so , perhaps , may the living forms we know so well have secrets tucked away within them that only the rolling of the aeons can reveal .
9 That 's all we can ever ask of anyone , is n't it ? ’
10 To him who by means of his power working in us is able to do so much more than we can ever ask for , or even think of .
11 I am confident that we are well able to meet any of today 's challenges but this does not mean we can ever relax our efforts to achieve the best in every possible respect .
12 However , we can help you to help yourselves by letting you know what this deadline is ; the date up to which we can pretty much guarantee your ad 's inclusion ( as far as we can ever guarantee anything ) .
13 ‘ Provided we can ever get out again , ’ she reminded him .
14 I contrasted two quotations : an epigram of Goethe , saying that through reading Plutarch he learned that we were all human beings , and a passage from Hegel denying that we can ever understand the men of classical Antiquity because they represent a different stage in the evolution of the human mind .
15 Nevertheless , like everyone else we wonder how we can ever afford to replace the time expired capital equipment and infrastructure which was our legacy from the past 20 years of neglect .
16 And let's say the maximum number of engines we can ever have will be up to about twenty five .
17 Yes , in terms of this definition it has to be because that 's the only , that 's the bottom line of evolution , and it 's the only quantitative measure we can ever have , it 's the only When you 're ready , there 's no hurry .
18 For some suggestions on what it might do , if we can ever find it , see Johnson-Laird ( 1983 ) .
19 I was vividly aware of the far reaching and vast contribution that Basil had made to education , to values , to the good influences of the Authority on teachers and children , colleges , schools and students , and I am of the privileged few who were able to work with Basil in the early days of struggles , so I know how much , how very much he did — So I felt that at least he had fulfilled — as nearly as we can ever judge — so much of his life 's work even to the developments in his own personal creative medium — and this must be a comfort to you as well as to us who knew him as a friend and colleague .
20 It can not be said , on the other hand , that he goes very deep or that we can ever take the idea of Michael 's art very seriously .
21 Surely they will provide the final lesson that rock 'n' roll needs more thinking , more philosophising in a real sense before we can ever allow another four-square Smiths to appear , vastly entertaining but also clutching their own downfall .
22 These giant-eyed trilobites of the Ordovician were active swimmers in the surface waters , as near certainly as we can ever know .
23 This is why it is so important to have soul-friends , who sometimes know us better than we can ever know ourselves .
24 The ancient seas had many more kinds of animals in them than we can ever know .
25 ‘ It is hard to know how we can ever tackle that , ’ one said .
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