Example sentences of "we have grown [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Erm you may have heard that we 've grown big by being recommended .
2 Cos that 's the usual line you see that , that er that I get , you may have heard the phrase that we 've grown big by being recommended .
3 Jacob 's talk of blessing invites us to step out of the demon myth and fairy story , back into a land with which we have grown familiar , where human beings bump not into demons , but into God himself .
4 But perhaps we have grown over-concerned about the conscious levels of rationality and suppressed for too long the reservoirs of subconscious feeling which the Spirit seems to touch and use when a man prays in tongues , with the result that he is built up , even though he can not understand what he is saying ( I Cor. 14:4 ) .
5 We have grown used to selecting fine wines according to their origin , and you do n't have to be an expert to appreciate that the quality and flavour of different grapes varies from region to region and country to country , as well as in the grape varieties themselves .
6 We have grown used to expecting the Spirit of God to speak in a gentle whisper , not a roaring wind .
7 Initial awkwardness and self-consciousness dissolve swiftly in such surroundings , and we have grown close , sharing a sense of dumbstruck awe before the landscape .
8 We have grown accustomed to using tea and coffee as a pick-me-up when we are feeling low .
9 ‘ Gary can only answer by performing in the style we have grown accustomed to for the last few seasons . ’
10 Simply because the first mass-selling device , Hewlett-Packard 's LaserJet , used a laser-based imaging system we have grown accustomed to calling them laser printers .
11 We have grown accustomed in political life to arguing about social and political institutions in a certain way : by attacking or defending them on grounds of justice or fairness .
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