Example sentences of "she [vb past] down [art] " in BNC.

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1 She was a bonny young 'un , right enough , and from a bonny mother , from what she had glimpsed of that lass as she skidded down the road with the polis after her .
2 As Magee watched she tottered down the steps and wandered off down Duncannon Street in the direction of the Strand .
3 The housemother did n't live with us , she lived down the road .
4 She crept down the lino-covered stairs .
5 She rode down the steep path , then up through the collapsed gate and into the area of the pinnacle of land on which the fortress had been constructed .
6 Eventually she moved down the hill to live in more conventional quarters , and I would meet her sometimes , she dressed , as usual , in her cloak .
7 Robyn smiled to herself as she charged down the motorway and imagined how she must look in such a battered , ramshackle old thing .
8 She clomped down the steps in her ankle boots and blue woollen dress , and stood shyly beside Willie , twisting the hem of her dress in her hand till her knickers came into view .
9 She managed to pull them off but as she drove down the street she was followed by a cacophony of tin cans tied to the bumper .
10 She drove down the lane and past the pub , turning at last into her own drive .
11 She wondered whether Amy had been looking for the Julians or for her when she drove down the drive ?
12 But , as she came down the steps of the beautiful russet Georgian house , first impressions were very depressing .
13 It was for Signora Kettering and her English upbringing told her that it was unthinkable to open letters addressed to someone else ; and yet as she came down the stairs and met the driver she had been taken , as she felt sure she was meant to be taken , for Signora Kettering .
14 And , by the time she climbed down the wooden steps to the kiosk , she had managed to coax her lips into a sour smile .
15 Bodie was waiting for her as she trotted down the steps from the Centre , bag slung over one shoulder , slim body dressed in a bright blouse and pleated skirt .
16 She rushed down the corridor , through the kitchen , out of the back door to the shed and ran back with the barrow and the spade clattering on top .
17 A third , a small blonde , always wore huge , baggy clothes and men 's hoots , saying she wanted to look aggressive , to get away from the things that being small and blonde are supposed to mean , and that when she walked down the street wearing her monkey boots and trench coat she felt great , confident and striding , and daring anyone to make a comment .
18 As she walked down the corridor , she gave it that bit extra .
19 As she walked down the tree-lined road in the pitch black she managed to suppress her fear of the dark .
20 Kee watched Karen as she walked down the hill .
21 Life was going on as planned , she told herself determinedly as she walked down the street to the car rental office with her overnight bag .
22 Smiling a little ruefully at her own foolishness , she walked down the lane , guessing rightly that it would take her to the back of the cottage .
23 She walked down the hill , leaving the jeep parked by the villa .
24 The eighteen year old woman was grabbed by a man in his thirties as she walked down the isolated track .
25 He beckoned Chrissie out and she reversed down the drive and out onto the road .
26 She hardly felt the cuts and scratches as she slithered down the rocky path to the Cove .
27 ‘ Do n't forget your satchel ! ’ she reminded as she started down the stairs with Sousan skipping at her heels .
28 She started down the street , and noticed that there was some sort of commotion .
29 She started down the stairs , her steps deliberately unhurried , breathing deeply to calm her twanging nerves , and paused for an instant to scrutinise her reflection in the massive gilt-framed mirror that hung above the banisters .
30 They watched Marie as she trailed down the steps by the artificial waterfall that was lit up at night with pink and green floodlights .
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