Example sentences of "she [vb past] to bed " in BNC.

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1 WORLD champion boxer Chris Eubank fought off Big Breakfast show presenter Paula Yates , above , when she tried to bed him for an interview on screen yesterday .
2 Last night she trotted to bed , and he did sleep all night long , but he did n't go till half past ten cos Marie do n't put him to bed .
3 She returned to bed and went out like a light .
4 She returned to bed .
5 He would see her in the old holey woollies she wore to bed , rather than an old-fashioned nightshirt .
6 He told her she had a lovely body and when she went to bed with him , she said ( he 'd find out about it anyway and drop her ) :
7 She went to bed in her own room , still full of pictures and possessions that had belonged to a previous and vanished Phoebe .
8 He wondered if she hung them on a china hand at night when she went to bed .
9 ‘ Do n't worry , ’ she told me as she went to bed that night .
10 God knew what effect this would have on Mrs Browning , but as she went to bed that night she had no feelings of optimism left and already there yawned ahead a great void .
11 Then she went to bed exhausted and , for the first time since her terror started , slept well .
12 While Nana denied that there were such things as duppies and forbade Martha to look under her old iron cot for them before she went to bed , Mada Joyce was expert on ghouls , ghosts , spirits and apparitions of all kinds , and had known a woman in another village who had actually seen the skinless old hag who sucked babies ' blood reach into the cradle of her new-born child and disappear with a shriek when she touched the Bible on the infant 's pillow .
13 True , she went to bed late , and was often at her desk until four a.m. , and so might have been expected to rise well after midday , and luxuriate over breakfast before beginning her day 's work at one in the afternoon .
14 When she went to bed she found it impossible to sleep , and started thinking about her ex-boyfriend and about the paperwork that awaited her the next day .
15 Perhaps she did n't drink anything before she went to bed because she was worried she was getting incontinent .
16 Perhaps she did n't drink anything before she went to bed because she was worried she was getting incontinent .
17 She went to bed complaining of feeling sick and missed a dinner thrown in the couple 's honour by Canada 's leader Brian Mulroney .
18 And she went to bed thinking of that amazing week at Gleneagles .
19 Over a period of two weeks they noted the time she went to bed each night and calculated an average ‘ time late ’ .
20 Her friend Rory Scott remembers her eating a 11b bag of sweets in short order during a bridge evening while her admission that she ate a bowl of custard before she went to bed added to the perplexity concerning her diet .
21 She said she was driving an ambulance in the air raids and that it was very exciting but dreadfully tiring ; sometimes she went to bed after breakfast and slept until evening .
22 The calendar beside the clock was turned to the 21st January , 1919 — but was that yesterday 's date or today 's ; had she changed it before she went to bed last night ?
23 Because it had always been in the back of her mind , from the moment she got up in the morning until she went to bed at night .
24 Liz put it on her bedroom mantelpiece , and touched it , every morning on rising , and every night as she went to bed .
25 Lily remembered being cold , being hungry ; how before she went to bed her mother had scorched the skirting board with the flame of a kerosene lamp to make the bugs jump out of the walls .
26 But before she went to bed , she prayed .
27 When she went to bed , she knew what she was going to do .
28 Then she went to bed .
29 She went to bed early .
30 She went to bed and surprisingly , for she had thought her worry over Dana would keep her awake , she slept at once , to awaken with Dana 's voice echoing in her head .
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