Example sentences of "she [verb] finished [pron] " in BNC.

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1 When she has finished what she is doing for the moment , she walks on briskly , her head making little bird-like movements , so that she can see everything that she passes .
2 " Let's hope she 'll be worth more when she has finished her course , " Sara said lightly .
3 ‘ Oh lassie ! ’ she whispered , aghast , when she 'd finished her tale .
4 As she ate her treat she announced she would pay the mortuary a visit directly she 'd finished her tea .
5 Perhaps if the age-gap of eight years between them had been less … perhaps if she herself had stayed at home for a few years instead of finding separate lodgings as soon as she 'd finished her A levels and joined Grantham and Marsh as a junior copywriter …
6 she 'd finished her training she 's had
7 When she 'd finished he sat at the kitchen table , watching her getting his tea ready , brooding .
8 When she 'd finished she said she needed some peace and quiet for a while .
9 When she 'd finished she got her bag and anorak , checking that she had enough in her purse for bus fare , and let herself out the kitchen door .
10 ROSANNE was n't over-enamoured with this little lot when she 'd finished it , considering it too sugary and poppy , but it stands up as her finest album to date .
11 When she 'd finished it she moved on more slowly this time , stopping twice for a fit of coughing .
12 When she 'd finished it was 17.31 and she almost pushed me out of the door .
13 And I think by the time she 'd finished it would be half price , she 'd walk out with the thing half price , and she 'd say , well you know , it 's just , they make up prices and you go to another shop and it would be the half price marked , and you go into another shop it would be , you know ,
14 Late at night she kept up her journal and wrote her column for J.D. , and on her last visit he had offered her a post on his editorial staff , a full-time one , when she had finished her East End stint , as he called it .
15 Later that afternoon , when she had finished her shopping and passed the shop a second time , she found the E had been changed to an A. Just as , when she informed her class of noisy fourteen-year-olds that there was to be ‘ no more of that ’ , there was no more .
16 Maureen Moore was nineteen , and when she had finished her qualifications she would become a music teacher .
17 Valerie Cass had left rather petulantly as soon as she had finished her gin , and Malcolm Harris , breathing imprecations against Michael Banks , had gone soon after ( without of course , buying a round ) .
18 At last she had finished her work at the sink and looked doubtfully at his bed — surely it would be more comfortable if it were remade ?
19 When she had finished her course at the university , the pull of her home town had been a strong one .
20 As soon as she had finished her coffee she stood up .
21 She had finished her lamb chops , and they were really top-hole , or she was so hungry that anything would have seemed like ambrosia , the food of the gods .
22 Two weeks ago she had finished her internship at St Paul 's Hospital in Vancouver .
23 When she had finished she shook her arms , as if trying to dry her hands .
24 When she had finished she turned to Nara , who had just come back with the things she needed and was peering round the door , as if he was too scared of her magic to come right in .
25 When she had finished she sat in the corner of her bedroom and wept .
26 When she had finished she leant against his car , gulping in the cold air .
27 She had never spoken to anyone so openly before , not even her father , and when she had finished she trembled a little with the emotion of it .
28 When she had finished she stroked the letters back into their creases , muttering to herself , ‘ Of course , of course . ’
29 By the time she had finished she had it clearly in her mind what she must do .
30 When she had finished she said to Piers , to hide her confusion , ‘ I — I always think how odd it is that turtle soup does n't taste of turtle . ’
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