Example sentences of "she [verb] decide [verb] " in BNC.

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1 A nurse may contact the health authority when she has decided to return to work .
2 She will make it clear right from the start by her tone of voice that it is with tired reluctance that she has decided to deal with you at all .
3 However , she has decided to give herself a year to change .
4 Her constituents are lucky that she has decided to stay down here today .
5 Tonight , with Marlin working until nine and a late dinner planned , she 'd decided to spend the early evening assigning and wrapping the presents she 'd accumulated on her various Fifth Avenue sorties , sweetening her labours with wine and music .
6 Culley wondered why she 'd decided to let him off the hook .
7 Once she 'd put the phone down on him the previous night she 'd regretted her skittish way with him , and , after a heart-to-heart with Marlin in which she 'd told him she wanted to go back to England , and he 'd replied that it would all seem different in the morning and why did n't she just take a pill and lie down , she 'd decided to call him back .
8 She 'd decided to take Dad away .
9 She 'd decided to go along with the FBI for a laugh , and because it might possibly help British Intelligence .
10 Maybe she 'd decided to try and go back to sleep .
11 I knew that she 'd decided to have the child adopted , but then I was n't involved .
12 After an evening of agonising and , now , almost unbearable waiting , she 'd decided to ring the police .
13 The family has poignant pictures of Sophie with the toy , and six months after she died decided to include a teddy carved into a headstone .
14 What she did decide to do was to enquire the reason for this unexpected obstinacy against Paris and Charles s new friend .
15 The only reason she had decided to put herself through all this with him was because she had a point to prove — a professional point .
16 After one glass Ianthe said she must go , as she had decided to visit Miss Grimes on the way home .
17 She had decided to reach the clinic by lunchtime .
18 And even if she had decided to use a delivery service , there would normally be a full check-list to be ticked off before parting with any money .
19 Jane eyed her slim figure enviously , dreading the evening ahead , certain now that the old Frank Usher dress she had decided to squeeze herself into was going to look absurd .
20 She had decided to take what might be the easiest way out and accept .
21 She had driven herself into doing what would hurt most ; she had decided to take Constanza from her father .
22 When the envelope had arrived she had put it on the mantelpiece in the small sitting-room , but almost at once she had decided to take it more closely into her possession .
23 And so , in true Arien fashion , she had decided to take the bull by the horns .
24 She had decided to take food rather than flowers .
25 Miranda frowned at the rain ; her visitors would shortly be arriving at the village hotels , for she had decided to hold the KITS annual sales conference weekend at Saracen .
26 The next day , she and Ruth went back to Manette Street to pick up her belongings and she explained to Kristof that she had decided to return to her family .
27 Her good clothes she had left behind when she had decided to downgrade her status .
28 One woman derelict told her that after living with three husbands for twenty-five years she had decided to give them up and devote herself to the task of viewing the Cathedrals and Abbeys of the British Isles .
29 Since she had decided to give Emma a pink headband and Sophie a blue one it was a relief to know , at last , which twin she was talking to .
30 He had been carried along by his wife 's extraordinary power of making decisions , from the time when she had walked into the offices of Glebe and Pargeter , when his old father was alive , and told him that her great-aunt had left her some money and she had decided to invest it in a London house .
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