Example sentences of "she [verb] always had " in BNC.

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1 In the last ten years , Mrs H. tells me , she has always had a servant , because without one , social duties , cooking , and housework , even with the most up-to-date equipment , proved too exhausting .
2 He insists that she has always had plenty .
3 She has always had her own glow , ’ said Mr Kinnock .
4 ‘ From what you and Aubrey have told me about Alice 's life , she has always had to fend for herself .
5 But then she has always had money — she has never not had money .
6 ‘ Carolyn designed the dress as she has always had a flair for it .
7 She has always had this dream that I would make it to university and she will be devastated if I do n't continue , but the way I am feeling now , I do n't want to .
8 She 'd always had to have an imaginary life simultaneously , as the real one was inadequate .
9 She 'd always had good food and warm clothes and a comfortable house to live in .
10 She 'd always had a passionate side to her nature , she thought , suddenly making sense of her reactions to life .
11 Maybe she 'd always had someone to look after her ; he 'd been living with darned socks and the stitch-in-time philosophy all his life , first his mother and then Margaret , who sorted her stockings out into ones she could wear to the office and ones which were only good for gardening .
12 She 'd always had boyfriends , although so far she had n't been tempted to engage in any serious commitment .
13 She may have acted impetuously , but she 'd intended no malice , and she 'd always had Kirsty 's best interests at heart .
14 But Miss Blagden , whom I met by chance yesterday , is going to Rome and when I told her the absurdity of your request she volunteered to carry your ridiculous weapon saying she had always had a fancy to be a gun-runner and that it would be a tale to tell her friends and astonish them .
15 ’ ; ‘ She had always had always been drawn to ‘ my Jews ’ ’ .
16 With that intuitive understanding she had always had with him , she knew exactly what he meant .
17 She had always had to share with at least two other people until the day she came to Lisbeg .
18 She had always had a vague idea that psychotherapists made you lie down on a couch and waffle on about your problems until finally , in some miraculous way , they were no longer problems , just a pain that had been gradually eased away .
19 She had always had grey hair , scraped back into a no-nonsense knot and wore baggy knitted suits .
20 She had lived a very gay life in London , when she was on the stage you know , and she had always had her parents behind her — like Pip , she had ‘ Great Expectations ’ .
21 In all her ten years she had always had one or other of her brothers watching out for her .
22 She had always had pink in her cheeks and soft rose on her lips .
23 That was the secret she had always had to keep and had never confessed , not even to the Irish priests who stayed secretly at Roscarrock Hall .
24 She had always had , as she would say with that breathless half of a nervous laugh with which she met anyone 's emotions including her own , this sort of a ‘ thing ’ about Italy .
25 It was her old one which she had always had , and over-looked the courtyard .
26 Leith was busily sorting through her wardrobe , finding unexpectedly that , while she had always had an ability to make decisions , she was dithering over what to take with her to Parkwood tomorrow .
27 You know she never has liked village people , and she 's always had rather a squashing way towards kids .
28 She 's always had a smile for me , Mr Feather . "
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