Example sentences of "which will allow the " in BNC.

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1 Finally , much extra information is being recorded , such as provenance , cultural associations and so on , which will allow the database to be used as a powerful research tool .
2 Also , at this time doors and windows can be left open which will allow the solvent and odour of the woodworm fluid to escape as rapidly as possible .
3 Thorn EMI also has a new DIY video-disc manual on car repairs , which will allow the viewer to skip sections he 's not interested in , freeze frames etc while he takes in the details .
4 One advantage of this approach is that you become accustomed to the throttle setting which will allow the model to settle gently back to the ground rather than falling rapidly .
5 What we need is not so much a point irregularity such as a foreign atom , because that could only facilitate movement at one point , but rather a line defect which will allow the army of molecules , as it were , to sweep forward on a broad front .
6 Included in the future home will be devices which will allow the owner to be welcomed home to lights switched on , curtains drawn and possibly even the dinner in the oven .
7 If Dr Shakell Qureshi and Professor Michael Tynan discover her artery is too narrow , they will attempt to widen it with the metal tubes which will allow the blood to flow more easily into her lungs .
8 Others , though , favour an even more radical change in the line-out laws — arguing in favour of the Japanese proposals which will allow the quick throw-in anywhere behind the point where the ball went into touch .
9 Their emphasis on the responsibility of the theologian towards the Bible , and on the need for a disciplined hermeneutic which will allow the Bible itself to speak , will be found again , albeit much modified , in the thought of Karl Barth ; as too will Archibald Hodge 's principle that ‘ Christ and his work is the centre around which all Christian theology is brought into order , ’ as he put it on page 16 of the 1878 edition of his Outlines of Theology , which was first published in 1860 , and , together with his father 's Systematic Theology ( 1871 ) , is a classic textbook of the Princeton method .
10 And more generally : Finally , in commenting on the nature of the social work procedures and practice adopted following the medical diagnosis of sexual abuse , the report explicitly comments that : ‘ it requires cautious measured intervention which will allow the risks of a false positive finding to be balanced against those of a false negative ’ ( p.85 , my emphasis ) .
11 IBM said that the cost of the actions will be approximately $2,100m net , on top of the $2,100m that it will take to cover the cost of the voluntary redundancies , the $4,200m total to be offset by adoption of Financial Accounting Standard 109(a) , which will allow the company to write back to the profit and loss account about $1,900m in money set aside for deferred taxes .
12 Once this thesaurus has been devised it will be mapped on to a set of codes , which will allow the information to be communicated electronically throughout the NHS .
13 An indirect role where the teacher creates the conditions which will allow the children to initiate collaborative activities themselves in response to interests , purposes and needs arising from their activities .
14 There is a +/- tolerance of 5% on all figures which will allow the designer to adjust length and width to structural and constructional constraints .
15 The General Vesting Declaration will be prepared at the end of May which will allow the land to rest in the District Council at the beginning of July .
16 The General Vesting Declaration will be prepared at the end of May which will allow the land to rest in the District Council at the beginning of July .
17 Although incomplete coverage for the trigram transitions can lead to problems when dealing with unseen text there are possible solutions which will allow the use of trigram information .
18 The main plank of Leninism is an organisational structure which will allow the best arguments in society to be aired and the argument that has most support to be taken as policy .
19 It will be smaller than most existing models , which will allow the model to be theoretically consistent , and which will also facilitate the use of recent computer intensive techniques in the examination of policy issues .
20 Evidence will be collected which will allow the relationship between landscape and the control of land to be monitored over time , providing the statutory bodies concerned with conservation of the landscape with a better means of influencing change .
21 The data will be used to construct a statistical model of the process of household change which will allow the sensitivity of household formation to a range of socio-economic and demographic factors to be assessed .
22 The librarian and the teachers will have to set priorities for information use and these priorities are likely to include 1 ) The availability of a flexible , easy to use information retrieval system , often called a database management system ( DBMS ) which will allow the creation of a very large database ( e.g. OPAC ) or smaller curriculum-related databases ( see Chapter 5 ) .
23 ‘ We hope that birth will be given to a document which will allow the coordinated action of European countries against the undesirable effects of increasing illegal migration which worry us all , ’ Mr Boross said .
24 ‘ We hope that birth will be given to a document which will allow the coordinated action of European countries against the undesirable effects of increasing illegal migration which worry us all , ’ Boross said before the meeting went into closed session .
25 British Telecom and the Scottish Ensemble have agreed a £250,000 co-operation which will allow the 11-player BT Scottish Ensemble to develop its work substantially both on the platform and in the community .
26 For the moment let me repeat that what all this seems to point to as natural is the self-imposed exile which will allow the artist figure , whether Stephen or Joyce himself , to create a new world , with the language of the writer as his ticket , his lifeline , his rescue .
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