Example sentences of "which would allow [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 The Alliance , like Mr Kohl , favours making use of Article 23 of the West German constitution , which would allow East Germany to join the Federal Republic quickly ; the Social Democrats , whose support will be needed , favour Article 146 , which could mean working out a new all-German constitution first .
2 The first would be to create an appointed senate , which would allow Khmer Rouge leaders to be given an official role .
3 At the outset , it seemed to mean a structure ( like the initial form of the French Community ) which would allow France to retain control over significant areas of policy-making .
4 The Chinese foreign ministry said yesterday that a resumption of Sino-British dialogue depended on Mr Patten abandoning the proposals , which would allow Hong Kong people to elect a majority of their legislature for the first time in 1995. — Reuter
5 Not only does it meet his own policy expectations but it does so in language supplied by Mr Greenspan in congressional testimony which would allow Mr Greenspan to run rings around his Administration critics .
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