Example sentences of "which i have refer " in BNC.

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1 There 's nothing Jack loathes more than reading some publication in which I 've referred to him as a saint and I 'm sure Reggie feels the same way .
2 Er in the alternative of course er the local communities have available er the High Court action which I 've referred to during several discussions with yourselves over the last week or two .
3 The submission that Selby make on the basis of constraints , of which I 've referred to earlier ,
4 In contrast to some other material , my essay ‘ The Claims of Basic English ’ , to which I had referred in my letter of 18 July 1944 , had reached him ; and I was much cheered by the fact that he expressed unqualified approval for it .
5 A study of how the various crofting communities handled these pressures , outside the law and largely by ignoring it , might be instructive in the field of human relationships to which I have referred , but it would be difficult now to carry it out because that period in crofting has passed into history .
6 This was a significant achievement in the highly competitive situation to which I have referred .
7 Gilbert Harding tells the story of Siwash Rock with considerable embellishment in his book ‘ Along My Line ’ to which I have referred .
8 This is the paradigm of the natural sciences to which I have referred .
9 All of the documents and reports to which I have referred in this chapter serve to throw light upon the contemporary primary school and to provide material upon which to speculate about future developments .
10 We also bear in mind the principles enunciated by Cohen ( 1982 : 8 ) of ethnographic work on small solidary communities , which I have referred to in section 4.2 and which distinguish between the ‘ voice to the outside world ’ and the ‘ much more complicated ’ voice of the community ‘ to its own members ’ .
11 In my judgment the principle established by the authorities to which I have referred ( other than the Manchester Corporation case [ 1891 ] 1 Q.B. 94 ) is that any corporation , whether trading or non-trading , which can show that it has a corporate reputation ( as distinct from that of its members ) which is capable of being damaged by a defamatory statement , can sue in libel to protect that reputation , in the same way as can a natural person , although there will of course be certain types of statement which can not defame an artificial person .
12 In so far as the Manchester Corporation case is inconsistent with the principle to which I have referred it is wrong and is not good law .
13 On the assumption that the council has a reputation which requires protection , in my judgment the statement of claim , particularly in the passages from paragraph 6 and the second paragraph 9 to which I have referred above , adequately pleads a cause of action in defamation .
14 Consequently , from the authorities to which I have referred above and a number of decisions in other common law jurisdictions which we have been invited to consider , I have come to the conclusion that there is no difference in principle between a trading company and a non-trading corporation for the purposes of suing in tort , including the tort of defamation .
15 Nevertheless , in my judgment , and granted the consequence to which I have referred , there is no reason to extend the decision in regard to the Crown to some or all actions by a local authority under section 222(1) of the Act of 1972 .
16 The House of Lords in that case was concerned with provisions in the Housing ( Homeless Persons ) Act 1977 which were in substantially the same terms as those to which I have referred in the Housing Act 1985 , as originally enacted .
17 Thereafter the appellants never took steps to discharge their obligations under the agreement which was the subject of the Tomlin order , either in relation to the matters to which I have referred or indeed in relation to any other of the terms .
18 ‘ The test of unfairness is not that of a game : it is whether in the light of the considerations to which I have referred the evidence , if admitted , would undermine the justice of the trial .
19 The speech of Lord Mustill to which I have referred discussed the motives for the evolution and retention of the privilege against self-incrimination , at p. 75 :
20 Thirdly , the three payments to which I have referred formed parts of larger quarterly payments , the other parts of which were agreed to have been correctly charged .
21 I now turn to the submission of Woolwich that your Lordships ' House should , despite the authorities to which I have referred , reformulate the law so as to establish that the subject who makes a payment in response to an unlawful demand of tax acquires forthwith a prima facie right in restitution to the repayment of the money .
22 This sentence should also be read in the light of the sentence in the judgment of Platt B. to which I have referred .
23 In the passages to which I have referred I understand Lord Reading C.J. to be predicating some measure of compulsion in addition to the unlawful demand before recovery is available .
24 Thirdly , the three quarterly payments to which I have referred formed parts of larger quarterly payments , the other parts of which were agreed to have been correctly charged .
25 In my opinion , moreover , if the answers to both those questions are in the affirmative , leave ought to be given for such a substantive hearing unless , taking into account the other matters to which I have referred , the court is clearly of the opinion that such further proceedings would not be in the child 's best interests .
26 Mr. Cooper was at the meeting on 13 January 1983 to which I have referred .
27 If that means that the wardship judge has wider powers than a natural parent ( on the extent of which I have declined to express an opinion ) , it seems to me to be warranted by the authorities to which I have referred . ’
28 By its order then made the court clearly rejected that possibility and moreover rejected the submission of the local authority to which I have referred .
29 Article 12 of the Convention requires , prima facie , the mandatory return forthwith of a child who has been wrongfully removed , but article 13 , by reason of the Court of Appeal decision to which I have referred , also applies in this case .
30 He died in hospital on 20 April 1986 , two days after the date of the document to which I have referred .
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