Example sentences of "which claim [that] a " in BNC.

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1 The US State Department issued a report on April 1 which claimed that a " major recipient " of US military aid had engaged in a " systematic and growing pattern " of unauthorized re-exporting of arms and technology to other countries .
2 Advertisements and packages which claim that a product is full of ‘ natural goodness ’ , ‘ naturally better ’ or ‘ nature 's way ’ are largely meaningless and should not be used .
3 This faith could be said to rely , at least to some extent , on that part of the teachings of the Old Testament which claims that a ‘ god ’ had promised sovereignty over the Promised Land , or what is now Palestine , to the descendants of Abraham .
4 There is even a list of offices which claims that a dux was in charge of twelve civitates , but although this text has been seen as a Merovingian document , it is almost certainly a school-book , originating perhaps in the British Isles .
5 Progress here can come about only when the deeply rooted doctrine which claims that an extra-worldly ‘ god ’ had already established this has been abandoned absolutely , and superseded by the conviction that this is a task for humanity itself .
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