Example sentences of "we [vb base] [adv] actually " in BNC.

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1 A few exceptions are the SGs and Weddingtons ( which we do n't actually see in the UK ) ; these are built in Yamaha 's factory at Kasuga in Japan , while the semi-acoustics ( including the AE , SA and AES ranges ) hail from the Iida facility , also in Japan .
2 As I somewhat impatiently explained , we do n't actually teach English .
3 David Hughes-Hallet explains ‘ We do n't actually own the reserve , we just manage it by agreement with the owner , so the sale is a very uncertain time for us . ’
4 The most we can hope for is that we do n't actually believe it . ’
5 and it 's it 's something about the shame around depression that we do n't actually come forward for counselling and there 's certainly not enough free counselling services in Scotland .
6 We do n't actually recirculate the air within the building , so there 's no business of people on the second floor giving germs to people on the first floor , and then people giving germs to people on the ground floor .
7 Because , if we do n't actually ventilate the building then , we 're not actually gon na solve the problem .
8 We do n't actually know but we are
9 We we do n't actually We 've got It 's got nine oxygen in it already , right so this one does n't actually need any air .
10 We do n't actually mean them . ’
11 I mean we do n't actually get that involved apart from the fact that we did originally have a leaflet .
12 We put we put I m I mean we do n't actually bind the report up in the er how we would do professionally .
13 We are not chiropodists , we do n't actually cut away the hard skin because that i is a chiropodist 's job , but we certainly do have a good try at trying to get rid of as much hard skin as we can .
14 And erm so we the the way we work it out ourselves , is that we do n't actually pay people 's fuel bills .
15 We do n't actually guide visitors around the reserve , rather leave them to their own devices having informed them about what they 're likely to see and drawn their attention to some safety aspects .
16 we do n't actually do anything to I mean sometimes you get comments about the way that it 's helped people .
17 Well that 's right , we do n't actually need that .
18 We do n't actually act for you do we ? ’
19 We do n't actually want to catch people shoplifting , our aim is to try to put them off doing it in the first place . ’
20 our estimate for price elasticity is four and one to nought point eight minus one is one point eight , notice though that its ratio has jumped considerably or has doubled and the dummy variable itself is very significant the T ratio ten the coefficient on that dummy variable tells us the effect of the war on textile consumption , right so on average textile consumption rose by point two er see what the units of measurement are we do n't actually have units of er ah so we 'll
21 I thought there were two answers to that , madam , through the Chair , er , the first is that we do n't actually spend any money directly ourselves , as a County Council in America , we contribute towards the Regional Development Organization , the W M D A , and our contribution is about twenty thousands pounds per year .
22 What I was interested in at , at the briefing er , for the Committee , was that we do n't actually go out and sell this in inverted commas , to other authorities , they come to us , because they 've heard it 's good practice .
23 We build at getting better things , where if we do n't actually watch it , we build at getting worse at things .
24 We do n't actually want them gagged , do we , but er , it might come to that in the end might we ?
25 We do n't actually make up , he still carries on paying the same , we do n't , we do n't increase the allocation , when he gets to sixty , or sixty five or whenever .
26 Erm , just on that H I V thing there , is that , is n't it a bit confusing is n't it , in that we do n't actually pay out on H I V full stop , on Aids full stop , it is , it 's really the other , the other things .
27 To improve the quality of our work , these are erm , when I say though the current position is the technical quality is variable , these this assessment comes from internal reviews which are carried out and we have annual quality control reviews in all parts of the of the practice and the answers that have been come back coming back from those quality control reviews have and they 're pretty strict reviews it seems , strictly in accordance with the book , strictly in accordance with all the reg rules and regulations and , so if one has deviated from those and it 's hardly surprising how very high standards B S five seven five O would have , be quite easy to obtain in most of our practice areas , so it 's hardly surprising that there will be occasions when we do n't actually er come up with ten out of ten on a on an assignment .
28 I I think that that 's really the message which I 'm quite sure er the the economic secretary has got er and I do apologise if I have laboured the point but I will be doing so until we can have a situation where we do n't go on passing more rules and regulations but in fact all the legislation coming to the house is purely repealing legislation so we do n't actually need any fresh legislation , we just repeal what in fact er we have introduced er because it is it is er not helpful to the prosperity of this country .
29 We we got lots of evidence to suggest that actually the amount of noise problem outside weekends is actually and we do n't actually have the staff to actually deal with this problem without considerably more expenditure than anybody in this council is actually talking about and our tendency towards this erm again this is a bid of of what 's it sounds good and as as to the public conveniences this has been liaised it 's been negotiated about , it 's been looked at very , very expansively indeed .
30 Yeah if Now but th if I 've understood you correctly , there 's going to be a few months when we do n't actually supply anything .
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