Example sentences of "she realised that [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She realised that at some level she had always known this , since otherwise she could not have recovered so quickly .
2 She realised that for George and Elizabeth to take such a firm line , Sarah must have made more of a nuisance of herself to George than she herself had noticed .
3 An unexpected pang lanced through her as she realised that after today fitzAlan would no longer stand between her and the rest of the world .
4 She realised that in his own way he was being considerate , for by refusing to talk she was laying herself open to torture .
5 Maria jeered caustically , driven partly by masochism but also by a need to lash out as she realised that in addition to all the other contemptible things he believed of her , he was now also convinced that she was a liar .
6 Dane had told her she had to stop running from the ghosts in her past , and suddenly she realised that in that , at least , he was right .
7 That glow was swiftly dampened , however , as she realised that in one and the same breath he was as good as saying that he was aware of Lubor Ondrus 's propensity to flirt with any female who was a quarter way pretty .
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