Example sentences of "she knew her [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 She knew her limitations better than she knew her worth , and she taught in a private school because it gave her a little more latitude to come and go as she wished — an important point , since she cared for an old mother whom eighty years had made exacting .
2 When the car suddenly collided with something solid she knew her prayers had n't been answered .
3 Eventually he asked her out , and , even though she knew her parents strongly disapproved of the flashy young man from London , she disobeyed them and started sneaking out of the house every night when they were asleep , to meet him .
4 She knew her parents would be upset .
5 Rachel had n't taken a lot of notice of the young SHO — she had been more interested in her own circle of friends at the time — but he had been a frequent visitor at the Stevenses ' home and she knew her parents had liked him and had been pleased at the prospect of him becoming their son-in-law .
6 Twenty minutes later , carrying a carefully packaged beautiful glass vase which she knew her parents — well , her mother in particular — were just going to love , Fabia came down the stairs again and , stepping out into the colonnade , bumped right into none other than Lubor Ondrus .
7 She knew her sons and would bet her last pound that Geoffrey had been awake waiting for something like this .
8 But er I do n't know how we got onto it er sh and I think she said something about oh , she knew her tables
9 She knew her cheeks were flaming now .
10 She knew her hands were trembling as she fiddled with a pen on the desk .
11 But at least she knew her kids were going to grow up : I know nothing 's going to change for the better with her .
12 She knew her words , she had the looks ,
13 She knew her words sounded petulant , but she could n't help it .
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