Example sentences of "she probably [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Amanda said she loved the live show , that Sandra was n't particularly attractive but had a great body and showed what good hair and good clothes could do , and then , in an off-hand comment that she probably regretted almost immediately , declared that if she was ever to sleep with a woman , it would be Sandra .
2 She probably feels as embarrassed as you do Bet .
3 ‘ Well ’ , I thought , ‘ she probably does not know how she ought to begin . ’
4 For example , when a speaker discusses a ‘ manpower problem ’ , she probably does not intend to convey that all her employees are male .
5 oh she probably does n't realize she 's doing it
6 No , she probably does n't like it .
7 Yeah but Charlotte she probably does n't even think you know .
8 Having drunk 3 times , the driving limit ; she probably went out onto the window ledge and fell off entirely by accident .
9 She might have been generous ; but on the other hand she probably had n't been .
10 Besides , she probably had n't got over being angry ; she needed time to cool down .
11 Whichever way , she probably had n't given it much thought at the time and it had been some time later when her mother had told her that he had left the country and gone abroad to work .
12 She probably knew too that they had been none too fond of Granny when she 'd been alive .
13 She had found her shoes , stuck inside one of the pockets of her waterproof , and she supposed she probably looked quite normal .
14 It is possible to travel to almost any country within a day 's journey , yet when the mother of Jesus travelled a day 's journey to visit her cousin Elizabeth she probably managed only a dozen or so miles .
15 ‘ So she probably did n't vanish voluntarily , ’ Catherine Crane said , in summary .
16 She probably did n't think she needed curtains , with the room overlooking the railway line , not considering the ambition and initiative of a boy like William .
17 I feel like she 's done this deliberately , though she probably did n't even know where she was .
18 She probably did n't realise how long the party would go on . ’
19 She probably did n't want to upset you , just before you go home .
20 She probably did n't
21 Well , she probably did n't look at all !
22 And in this last day , she must have been camping about , I do n't know how , but somehow she was traversing I she probably did n't she was using the living room as a store , I could only think that , she could n't possibly live in it .
23 Her poetry indicates that Leapor did have some friends before meeting Freemantle ; Octavia , for example , respected her enough to listen to her advice , even if she probably did not accept it .
24 But something told her that she probably did not .
25 When she began to use contraception at the age of 42 she probably did so without her husband 's knowledge , but this would have been difficult for most working class women , given the lack of privacy in their homes .
26 She probably knows more about the nineteenth century industrial novel than anyone else in the entire world .
27 She probably knows more about the nineteenth-century industrial novel than anyone else in the entire world .
28 Think then she probably gave up .
29 yeah , when I was baptized , she probably stayed there till I was baptized , cos she would of been Yorkie
30 Clare has seen it , although she probably has n't had time to read it fully .
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