Example sentences of "she found [pn reflx] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Then she found herself concluding that her earlier assumption had probably been correct and that there had indeed been someone in Australia , someone who had caused him to return to England in a hurry .
2 But , as if mesmerized , she found herself getting out of her orange caftan and darting almost minnow-like into the navy-blue dress , so ashamed was she of the greyness of her pants , which had practically detached themselves from the elastic .
3 She found herself blushing .
4 She sat back , closing her eyes , incapable of coherent thought , and then , so slowly that she found herself holding her breath , a tiny spark kindled inside : they had talked through a tangle of mistakes , yet somewhere in it there was something else .
5 She found herself wandering , thinking about Pet .
6 The girls in her class , who had hitherto regarded her as relatively plain , and as a non-starter in the fashion stakes , with no notion of how to twist a school beret or hitch a school skirt , quickly reconsidered their assessment of her , and she found herself elected to an honorary membership of the fastest , smartest slickest coterie .
7 She had spent a sleepless night agonising over what had happened between herself and David and she found herself dreading what the atmosphere would be like between them .
8 She found herself listening for breathing and when there was a shout from below her heart pounded , foolishly , because it was only the whoop of a homecoming child racing his brother into the building .
9 It was a brief respite ; when , presently , she took a break and switched on the radio , she found herself listening to the voice of Detective Inspector Clarke who was being interviewed by a reporter .
10 Odd sensations chased through her body and she found herself gasping for air .
11 While a small voice inside her head told her that she would never become queen but would have a tough life she found herself accepting his offer and telling him repeatedly how much she loved him .
12 To her immense irritation she found herself babbling , as though there was some need for her to explain herself to him .
13 ‘ What do you understand about anything — especially love ? ’ she found herself demanding .
14 She had meant to confine herself to the unwelcome proposal of marriage from Manfro Draper , but somehow she found herself telling her listeners all about her mother and father .
15 She found herself telling him about the Vermeer she had been painstakingly copying , and then with a shudder of its destruction .
16 It seemed years , ages later when she found herself picking up pieces of broken plate and wiping fried egg off the tiles — so that Gran , when she returned , would find the kitchen tidy .
17 Something in the tone of his voice reached her and she found herself unlocking the door , opening it , looking up at his hard , handsome face with wary eyes .
18 So she found herself staying in a single room at one of the hotels in Monaco and the following morning making her way back to the cottage with a very much subdued André , whose head was feeling all the after-effects of too much wine .
19 ‘ I do n't — ’ She found herself faltering , wishing , hoping , and wondered if she was being stupid .
20 All the same , when the cast assembled on stage and stood with bowed heads as Dr Parvin gabbled his blessing , fingers raised to sketch that insidious sign of the cross , she found herself shivering .
21 Suddenly , she found herself shivering .
22 The man on the floor who had jacked up grinned at her and she found herself grinning back .
23 ‘ Any use ? ’ she asked , but waves of tiredness were sweeping over her and she found herself hoping that his answer would be no .
24 She found herself hoping very much that he would .
25 With every step her energy crackled ; scarcely knowing at first what she said , she found herself reciting the lines from Cymbeline .
26 It was , after all , a wonderful sensation creeping through her in response to his lips , and she found herself drifting into co-operation with him , holding his perfect body against her , feeling his heart beat and knowing that they fitted together in a most satisfactory way .
27 She found herself straining to touch the floor with her fingers , so her butt was raised even higher .
28 She did not even realize her hair had come down and that she had lost her hat until she found herself leaning against a wall somewhere on the other side of St Jude 's Passage , her lungs bursting , her temples and her pulses hammering out their distress , her whole appearance wild and dishevelled and attracting not the least attention in that place which-no matter what might have befallen her — had seen it all before .
29 It seemed like a minor miracle when she found herself seated within touching distance of the small group of musicians , until she realised that Rune was well-known here , not only by the management but , as the current number drew to a triumphant close , to the players as well , as they drew him on to the low rostrum and surrounded him with much back-slapping and laughter .
30 She found herself gazing , for minutes on end , at photographs of young men in their flying kit , waiting for the command to take to the skies .
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