Example sentences of "she could [not/n't] seem " in BNC.

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1 The trouble was that she could not seem to bring herself to do anything about it .
2 Her own was shaking , she could not seem to stop it .
3 It was entirely against her will and utterly ridiculous , but she could not seem to stop doing it .
4 ‘ She loved it , Eddie , you know I think it was almost too much for her , she could n't seem to take it all in , so many things , a bag and shoes , and socks , on top of everything .
5 My very experienced colleague remarked that her machine was looping at the edges and she could n't seem to cure it .
6 But she could n't seem to gather her wits ; all she wanted to do was kneel there weeping .
7 I believe she 's rather at a loose end , but she said she could n't seem to fancy an exterminator . ’
8 Jessamy knew she should go , it was her phone , but somehow she could n't seem to move .
9 She could n't seem to drag her eyes away from his familiar figure .
10 They 've — they 've — ’ She could n't seem to finish what she was trying to say .
11 She could n't seem to stop the words coming out , though .
12 The words kept on tumbling out of her and she could n't seem to stop them .
13 There was a whole fury of protestations hovering on the edge of her lips , but somehow she could n't seem to find the energy to voice them .
14 She hated how she sounded , but she could n't seem to snap out of it .
15 She knew that she was making a spectacle of herself with her childish outburst , but she could n't seem to help herself .
16 She could n't seem to stop watching him .
17 She was crying silently and she could n't seem to stop .
18 But with those powerful arms enclosing her she could n't seem to remember a word of it .
19 For some strange reason she could n't seem to relinquish her hold on the chain and braced herself for the wrench she was sure would follow when fitzAlan started towards the castle gates .
20 She went hot then cold , she could n't seem to think , and something hurt deep inside her .
21 Her hands were splayed across his broad shoulders as if she would push him away , and for some reason she could n't seem to relax them .
22 She could n't seem to stop talking .
23 She could n't seem to catch her breath .
24 His tone was grave , but there was a twinkle in his eye as though , heaven forbid , he knew why she could n't seem to keep off the subject of his personal relationships .
25 She could n't seem to move , to speak , to do anything apart from stand there in Luke Calder 's arms … and let him kiss her !
26 She was starting to sound like a parrot , repeating everything he said , but she could n't seem to help herself .
27 She could n't seem to wrench her eyes from the heated blue gaze devouring her .
28 She was gabbling again , she distantly realised , but she could n't seem to help herself , the choked confession would n't be suppressed .
29 She could n't seem to stop her tongue .
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