Example sentences of "she had forgotten that " in BNC.

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1 But she had forgotten that Rachel would have to put her two pennorth in first .
2 For the moment at least , she had forgotten that he was a dwarf and the biggest disappointment of her life .
3 But after about twenty paces , when she had forgotten that he might still be looking , the shoulders drooped , her footsteps slackened , and she walked like someone in a dream .
4 She had forgotten that Albert was never proud in that way .
5 She had forgotten that she telephoned to tell Scott the news of the trust .
6 She had forgotten that the great , grey beast was stone .
7 But when Eliot asked how she would get the keys to the desk , she realized her suggestion had been useless : she had forgotten that Maureen had taken them from her .
8 She had forgotten that slip she had made ; she might have known that he would pick her up on it sooner or later .
9 She had forgotten that her papa was supposed to be dead , and had spoken of him in the present tense , a fact not wasted on Dr Neil , who made no comment , but asked politely , ‘ And does all this stockmarket bargaining mean that you are going to make me a cup of tea , or not ?
10 She had forgotten that many castles in Spain were now official hotels .
11 She had forgotten that he was off duty until her vision cleared sufficiently for her to take in the fact that he was wearing a dark suit , the jacket unfastened to reveal a white shirt .
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