Example sentences of "she had neither the " in BNC.

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1 She had neither the energy nor the time to feel irritated ; instead she took out her pen again and reached for a sheet of the museum 's paper .
2 She had neither the patience nor the inclination .
3 She was brainy — that is , she had her head stuffed with facts , but she had neither the intelligence nor judgement to interpret their significance and relate them to the world .
4 But , for a long time , she had neither the intelligence nor the insight to associate them with herself .
5 Her owner felt she had neither the skill nor the courage to ride her .
6 But as times became more difficult with the passing years I suppose she had neither the time nor the inclination to play music .
7 No doubt the wall was lower at some point — down at the edge of the parkland , perhaps — but she had neither the time nor the inclination to find out .
8 To be as fair to her as is possible , it can at least be said that the work which she had plagiarized on her behalf ( since she had neither the time nor the inclination to copy it herself ) was generally of good standard .
9 She had neither the money , nor , finally , the nerve to stay away .
10 This she displayed at her belt , though she had neither the intention nor the resource to use it .
11 In this case , it was held that a woman lacked capacity to consent if she had neither the knowledge nor understanding to comprehend that ( a ) what was proposed to be done was the physical fact of penetration of her body by the male organ or if that were not proved , ( b ) that the act of penetration proposed was one of sexual connection as distinct from an act of a totally different character .
12 As her body confirmed what he 'd already guessed she had neither the will nor wit to attempt to deny it any more .
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