Example sentences of "she was looking for " in BNC.

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1 So basically she was looking for a job .
2 Vivienne Westwood , current British Designer of the Year , had a very clear idea of what she was looking for : ‘ Something unorthodox that people have n't seen before .
3 He bet she was looking for the fox .
4 She was looking for her cigarettes .
5 Leapor 's only way of striking back at her father to whom she was looking for support , was , by this reasoning , to write a poem as a cathartic fantasy .
6 Maggie had drawn a blank , none of the bodies were of those she was looking for .
7 She was looking for her genius …
8 She had announced that she would stay in Paris until October , but by October she was looking for a new place to rent , now deeply involved with Modi and unable to leave .
9 She moved , as she often did , from pure , concentrated malice , to a vaguely girlish mode , as if she was looking for someone ( not Henry ) to put his arms round her and tell her everything was all right .
10 My wife , Joyce also came close and peered , but in her case I believe she was looking for a miracle .
11 ( Miranda was n't very big , and she was looking for people the same size as her . )
12 She had had every opportunity to be , for heaven 's sake , but she 'd never worked hard enough at it and now she did not feel like struggling with a foreign language to search for an item when she did not even know what she was looking for .
13 Or that , getting on , she was looking for adventure , a final fling ?
14 It made her howl with bitterness when she was alone in the weeks that followed , and it made her grit her teeth as she strode through the streets looking for revenge , or for her baby , or for Dorothy , not too sure what she was looking for but usually coming home with nothing better than a bag of old tins .
15 She grew up associating ‘ love ’ with an emotional roller-coaster , and although she was looking for a long-term partner , Deborah quickly became bored and dissatisfied in a stable relationship .
16 She used to be one of that Rajneesh lot , she always lives in communes , and Linda told me she was looking for somewhere .
17 It took a bit of doing , but Anabelle found the place she was looking for .
18 She was looking for the opportunity to extend her holdings in Glasgow , but she was unsure if she wanted to expand her business in the same district as her first premises — perhaps she ought to move upmarket , rather like her London operation .
19 She was looking for communists and ex-lovers .
20 Her own college , at first encounter , struck her as somewhat dimly conformist , with long brown corridors and an unexpectedly high proportion of young women apparently wrapped up in the triumphs of yesteryear on the hockey field or in the prefects ' Common Room , but even there she had discovered part of what she was looking for : in the persons of Liz Ablewhite ( now Headleand ) and Esther Breuer ( still Breuer ) she had discovered it , and rediscovered it there each time she met them , which was , these days , on average once a fortnight .
21 Kattina was anything but tidy , and she found what she was looking for under a pile of underwear .
22 She was looking for something memorable , probably for the first time in two years , and he did n't want to deny her that .
23 She frowned , not knowing what it was she was looking for , then turned back , looking at him .
24 Because she was n't sure what she was looking for .
25 She took out her notebook of numbers and addresses on the Graham Mills murder case and found the number she was looking for — Jozef Taczek 's ex-directory one , which began with those four numbers .
26 The dark red and damson robes were heavy and stifling and they could not possibly be what she was looking for .
27 She had deliberately not revealed what she was looking for , and so insisted on evacuating every office before she began work .
28 After a moment , she seemed to find what she was looking for and stepped up to the door .
29 One of them was a middle-aged man , the head-dairyman she was looking for .
30 She concentrated on the one with the trousers and said she was looking for George .
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