Example sentences of "she have been appoint " in BNC.

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1 She has been appointed this season after the Wordsworth Trust staged a six-day exhibition in Osaka last year .
2 She has been appointed to the Audit Commission as a manager in their Special Projects Unit , providing management consultancy to local authorities and the N.H. S. She is based in the Midlands .
3 She has been appointed a ‘ Goodwill Ambassador ’ by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees after her work to help children caught up in the conflict in Bosnia .
4 She has been appointed public relations assistant .
5 However , Sally Kuenssberg , a specialist in children 's panel training in the department of adult and continuing education , says that she has been appointed as an individual with experience of the needs of children .
6 Although the current climate of education cut-backs and competition from a large variety of exercise classes presents a considerable challenge to the development of Medau , Pat is sure that the Grant Aid Programme , which she has been appointed to implement , has strengthened the foundations on which the Medau family can build .
7 Finally , Lowestoft members are reminded to be particularly polite to Marlene McGee , as she has been appointed to the Lowestoft bench of the Magistrates ' Court .
8 Knox J. held that the defendant was not entitled to rely on a plea of non est factum on the ground that the mother did not know that she had been appointed attorney and that the transaction was a sale within the power of attorney .
9 He subsequently abandoned the forgery allegation and amended his counterclaim to plead ( i ) non est factum on the grounds that Mrs. Steed did not know that she had been appointed attorney and was not aware that she was signing a transfer of the property ; and ( ii ) that the transaction effected by the transfer was not a sale and was not within the power conferred by the power of attorney .
10 By a notice of appeal dated 1 March 1991 the defendant appealed on the grounds , inter alia , ( 1 ) that the donee of the power of appointment , the defendant 's mother , Mrs. Mary Steed , did not know that she had been appointed attorney by the defendant and accordingly could not have known that she had any power to deal with his property when she executed the transfer of 4 September 1979 , and that in those circumstances the plea of non est factum ought to have succeeded on the judge 's finding that the donee was tricked into signing the transfer ; ( 2 ) the judge having rightly concluded that the transaction as affected was not a sale , save possibly at such a gross undervalue as to vitiate it as a sale , should therefore have held that the transfer was void and ineffective ; ( 3 ) the judge having rightly concluded that he retained a discretion to rectify the charges register against the registered holder , notwithstanding , as he found , that ( i ) the title of the mortgagors , Mr. and Mrs. Hammond , was merely voidable and not void , and ( ii ) that the registered holders of the charge were bona fide mortgagees for value without notice of the facts giving rise to voidability , then wrongly exercised his discretion to refuse to rectify since the considerations in favour of rectification could hardly have been stronger and his refusal to exercise his discretion was tantamount to denying the effective existence of such discretion , as if it was not exercised on the facts of this case it could never , or virtually never , be exercised at all ; and that , in the premises , the judge had erred in law in placing excessive reliance upon ( i ) and ( ii ) above to the exclusion of the other considerations which favoured rectification .
11 The new pleading , so far as relevant to the claim against the building society , constituted ( i ) a plea of non est factum based on the proposition that Mrs. Steed did not know she had been appointed attorney and did not know she was signing a transfer of the property ; ( ii ) a plea that the transaction effected by the transfer was not a sale and was not within the power conferred by the power of attorney .
12 Louisa was left feeling that she had been appointed audience to a play of the wife 's devising , one in which the heroine 's suffering was the principal theme and which might , indeed , have been moving had not the sense of theatre been so pronounced , and had the script been less expressive of a plaintive heart than of its tribulations .
13 It seems she 's been appointed without any advertising which would seem to flow equal opportunities promises here , the government and the health service really believe in it !
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