Example sentences of "she be standing [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He undressed her equally slowly , and she felt as though she were standing outside herself , watching almost with detachment as he exposed her breasts to his gaze and slowly lowered his head until his mouth could touch one rosy peak .
2 And then the silence of the hillside was rent by a further sound , a high buzzing at first like a gigantic and enraged wasp , and then a roar and a rending of the air , so that Molly felt as though she were standing on the bridge of a warship and some huge Exocet missile was being hurled in her direction .
3 She felt as though she were standing on the edge of a great chasm , with him on the other side urging her to jump across to him .
4 And she felt , though comfortable in bed , as if she were standing with the rain sluicing all over her , streaming soothing over her breasts and down her thighs , warm and comforting and she hoped that he was not in difficulties on the road and that he was thinking about the rain .
5 With his eyes closed he could see her as clearly as if she were standing in front of him .
6 She 's standing with her back to the window and I can see a sort of thin blue light round her body .
7 go down and meet the bus so we 're sat there now ten past eleven and I thought I hope we have n't missed it now and she 's walked up , she 's standing out the door cos I 'd locked the door .
8 Now she is standing on the edge of a deep bowl or crater , floored with the little rings across which the dragonriders are already strolling with a pendulum gait .
9 The original Liberal Democrat candidate , Pamela Beasley , 47 , a local councillor , was de-selected following allegations of theft and she is standing as an independent under a People 's Party flag .
10 She is standing in a solitary shaft of heavenly light , her smile willing me to win .
11 She sighs , and sometimes she hums a little , and then she is silent because she is standing by the window looking out on the yard and turning the rings on her finger round and round .
12 Mrs Barzach will have a much more difficult time retaining her seat in the 15th arrondissement of Paris , which she has represented for only the past three years and where she is standing against the well-established local RPR mayor ( and deputy mayor of the capital ) .
13 Her face was red with emotion and she was standing with her head poked angrily forward .
14 The Jaguar pulled out towards where she was standing with Cy McCray .
15 She was standing with a tray of cool drinks .
16 She was standing with her back to me , talking with Walt and another guy .
17 Anyway , I had built her up at the front end so that she was standing with her fore feet on a half door and had given her a strong oily purgative .
18 ‘ I could ring for a taxi , ’ she suggested , when the final guests had departed and she was standing with her host and hostess on the drive .
19 She understood she was standing on the pavement with people walking past , the traffic rushing up and down had been standing there , stock-still , for how long ?
20 Sara curtsied , and backed to the door ; and it was only when it had closed behind her and she was standing on the long , tiled landing that she realized that her future mother-in-law had not once asked about her family in Ireland .
21 But then she was standing on sand again , with a grey mist all round her , and the melancholy cry of gulls echoing distantly .
22 She looked almost as if she was standing on the surface itself , although Pete knew that there were rocks and shallows and that the effect was no more than illusion .
23 When he came in to find her , she was standing on her head in a sexy leotard , legs provocatively parted .
24 She was standing on the tree that had crashed across the fence , looking like a garden plant in need of marriage guidance .
25 And so one minute she was standing on deck in the rush of bright wind , the next minute the motor launch was scything across their bows .
26 Alexandra stood up , found she was standing on her own hem , bobbed a little to release herself and confronted a large , commanding woman pulling off brown suede gloves .
27 The road suddenly appeared through the thinning trees and Jenna had to scramble down a bank , cross a ditch and she was standing on the firm tarmac of the main highway .
28 She was standing on the pavement waiting to cross the road .
29 Yet , looking into those liquid dark eyes , Fran could n't help the sudden feeling that she was standing on the verge of something so mind-blowing that it made her afraid .
30 It went against the grain to meekly obey , but the look in his eyes told her in no uncertain terms that she was standing on the edge of a minefield .
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