Example sentences of "she used [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 She used to be a check-out girl in [ name of supermarket ] .
2 It 's so sad because she used to be such a lively and outgoing person .
3 She used to be a bit of a lost soul , ’ says Jakki , ‘ but she 's changed a lot recently and I think that 's all down to Michael Hutchence .
4 She called her a tart and a slut because she used to be married to a black man from South Carolina who sang basso at charity concerts all over Yorkshire and Lancashire and dropped dead at the Sun Hotel in Eccleshill in 1927 .
5 Yet she used to be so organized .
6 She used to be a good cunt , now she was a dressful of dead fishmeat .
7 She used to be a mechanic before coming here .
8 She used to be passionate , you know .
9 She used to be an old singer , I do n't know any of her songs , but I just know she was an old singer .
10 Since she 's gone there 's been a gap … it made my life better , because — she had a garden I could use … and it was like a job — I felt I was led to do that job … and she used to be so pleased to see me , she used to almost embrace me with tears in her eyes .
11 She was not quite as neat as she used to be .
12 It was n't really her , just a wax effigy , a place where she used to be .
13 She used to be one of that Rajneesh lot , she always lives in communes , and Linda told me she was looking for somewhere .
14 FITNESS enthusiast Angelina Arnott was turned away from a women 's health club because she used to be a man .
15 She used to be in the front line at the Windmill . ’
16 She used to be a typist and is married to a car patrolman on shift work .
17 ‘ It was her life , you see , parties and pretty clothes , and putting them on makes her remember how happy she used to be .
18 She used to be drawn towards political life , she dreamt of the English statesman , yet when Simon went for office she was against it .
19 I believe she used to be so reluctant about marrying people because marriage is important to her , she 's only been waiting for the right one . ’
20 At 5 p.m. a staff nurse joined Miss T. and her mother and Miss T. told the staff nurse that she did not want a blood transfusion , that she used to be a Jehovah 's Witness and that she still maintained some beliefs .
21 She used to be Susan Hart : that help at all ? ’
22 She used to be so lovely ’
23 She used to be pretty . ’
24 She was more relaxed than she used to be but still , in Dexter 's view , judged herself too harshly .
25 You ken when there , there are , this , this old Mary that I tell you about er , she 'd had smallpox when she was young , she used to be a herring gutter .
26 She used to be quite a truthful girl .
27 And she used to be so pretty … ’
28 She used to be — well — blatant is the only word for it .
29 The insider said : ‘ She is frighteningly different from the self-effacing person she used to be .
30 She used to be Crilly 's stealing partner .
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