Example sentences of "which [vb mod] allow [art] " in BNC.

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1 There are obvious dangers in any such development which may allow the news media to be bound without having had an effective opportunity to argue against the imposition or scope of the injunction .
2 This figure acts variously as the symbol and chief bearer of the admirably strong , tightly-knit family and culture , as the oppressed subject of traditional Asian patriarchal practices , as a problem because of her failure to learn the language and customs which might allow a smoother integration of her community and children into ‘ the British way of life ’ , and full of sexual charm and allure produced by a demure seductiveness replete with the promise of a mysterious Oriental eroticism .
3 The costs for the US would be enormous , indeed the requirement of the French was that the US would pay the entire cost , but money and munitions could be regarded as the essential calipers which might allow the rickety infant to walk ; and as long as it had an American account it would grow up and would be able to buy everything that was needed for a new nation state .
4 Apart from these change-of-state verbs , are there any others which could allow an adverbal adjective to appear ?
5 Nonetheless , the limits of the state 's autonomy would seem to be very wide , and Block goes so far as to postulate a ‘ tipping mechanism ’ which could allow the state to take a social formation away from the capitalist mode of production .
6 At the very least , if the best conditions for improvement were to obtain , they saw the need to ensure that illegal importations did not occur and that it was valuable to have information which would allow a judgement as to whether the slave population was increasing .
7 The sentencer regarded the case as an exceptional one The Court considered that it had many exceptional features which would allow a sentencer to reduce the sentence which would otherwise have been imposed , but it was seldom in such a case that a sentence of less than seven years would be appropriate .
8 To this day it is nearly impossible to find a Canadian movie screened ; in any of our cities , or investment capital which would allow a cutting edge industry to develop in Saskatchewan rather than Idaho , or a cultural figure who has not had to make it in the US ( Bryan Adams ) or the UK ( Conrad Black ) before the person is taken seriously at home .
9 For various reasons , DATEC decided that , with one exception , no college proposals would be validated for Higher Certificate and Higher Diploma courses which would allow a start before September 1982 ; as a consequence , there are at present relatively small numbers of students on these courses .
10 At the meeting Jacques Delors , the President of the EC Commission , proposed the inclusion of a clause in the EMU treaty which would allow a future United Kingdom parliament , rather than the current one , to make a decision on the final goal of " stage three " of economic and monetary union .
11 This could operate rather like a personal TESSA and would be a er tax free savings account , which would allow a small business to save for a perhaps a major piece of machinery in a tax free environment .
12 The implication is that if χ 1 can be carefully controlled , conditions could be attained which would allow a given molecular species to precipitate , while leaving larger or smaller molecules in solution .
13 First , it may be that no one ( as yet ) has made the critical observations which would allow the pattern to become evident .
14 A development of the Mark 3 , it contains some APT features including a curved narrowing body profile which would allow the body to tilt like the APT but which feature is now unlikely to be used .
15 But they agreed with a proposal from the French Government , which is currently responsible for the EC Council of Ministers , to discuss an amendment which would allow the Commission to grant temporary exemptions to countries facing problems with liberalisation .
16 Then the OECD forecast that UK interest rates would be 13 per cent by the end of 1989 , which would allow the economy to grow by just over 2 per cent next year and inflation to rise by 5 ¾ per cent .
17 Stocks are now believed to be below the level which would allow the predicted maximum yield of 175,000 tonnes per year .
18 Yet it was quite impossible , constitutionally , for any amendment to be made which would allow the resolution to get almost unanimous support .
19 During the debate of the previous two years , it seemed that LEAs would be asked to identify a number of measures to be applied to schools which would allow the wider public to assess the progress of a given school , year on year , and the differences between schools in the area .
20 Other nations , however , are carping about a clause in the suggested new text which would allow the two weapons powers to hide how much civil uranium they buy and stockpile .
21 It expressed fears that Wilson as prime minister would increase trade with the USSR which would allow the Soviets to infiltrate more KGB agents into the United Kingdom under diplomatic cover .
22 In Suffolk , a Tory MP called on Mr Lamont to present a Budget which would allow the party to unite .
23 Discussions are already under way with the National Trust for Scotland regarding a suitable themed transport link between Bridge of Dun station and the recently re-opened House of Dun , which would allow the BRPS and NTS to offer a joint visitor experience .
24 Developing a ‘ collaborative classroom ’ did not mean suddenly insisting that everyone works together all the time ( as some teachers fear may happen if enthusiasm for ‘ group work ’ gets out of hand ) , but rather creating conditions which would allow the collective resources of the group to be used to support and enhance across the whole range of classroom activity .
25 Optimization procedures would necessarily include an economic data model which would allow the cost to be projected into the full production situation , and compared to the various technical requirements set for the artefact .
26 Lord Wilberforce 's statement in Tameside , that the decision-maker should properly direct himself to the facts , provides a good example of one aspect of factual review which would allow the courts great latitude for substituting their view for that of the decision-maker .
27 This equation is estimated over the whole sample period rather than by a more complicated rolling regression technique which would allow the parameters to change each quarter as new information became available .
28 The general regulation of economic and social life at the national level , and relations with other nation states , require a complex apparatus of government and administration , parties with broadly formulated aims and policies , and competition between parties ; but there is also a need for more direct and immediate means of political action , which would allow the effective expression of particular grievances and interests , counter some of the consequences of centralization and bureaucratic administration and make possible a more continuous practical participation by large numbers of citizens in determining the quality of their lives .
29 This is not simply a matter of economic growth , although that has become increasingly important and perhaps dominant , but of a more general development of a distinctive culture and way of life which would allow the society to take its ‘ rightful ’ place as an autonomous , self-determining unit among the other nations of the world .
30 During a visit to the Soviet Union on July 19-20 by EC Commission president Jacques Delors , Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev appealed for broad foreign economic co-operation which would allow the Soviet Union to adapt to a new economic system " faster and more resolutely " .
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