Example sentences of "which [adv] suggest [that] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , it is the fact of recession which rather suggests that the greatest threat to the persistence of corporatist arrangements may come , not from the Left and labour , but from the Right and from the industrial capitalists themselves — those interests , that is , that the Left have seen as having benefited most from corporatism .
2 This has since been supported by an important report from the Battelle Institute in Geneva which broadly suggests that if products such as cars or powerpacks were designed to last for 20 years not only would energy and materials be conserved , but about 65 per cent more work would be created and the jobs would be the interesting , fiddling , diagnostic type jobs that human beings love doing .
3 It has achieved a great deal of support from anecdotal evidence ( see Johnston , 1980 , for example ) , which clearly suggests that Senators and Representatives have been able to channel very substantial volumes of Federal money towards their home States , thereby promoting their political reputations , assisting them in the search for campaign funds , and enhancing their re-election prospects .
4 This can be seen from the figures in Table 5 which also suggest that the longer the time they had lived in an old people 's home the less likely they were to go into hospital .
5 BUSINESS confidence in Scotland is returning , according to a survey of the country 's top 300 companies published yesterday , which also suggests that recruitment of staff will increase .
6 Both main parties appear to have fallen for the rhetoric about the rising tide of crime among the young despite statistical evidence which plainly suggests that the problem has declined in recent years .
7 Recent commentaries on the mass media derived from within the broad Marxist tradition have attempted to move away from the simplistic view of the mass media as mere relay systems ; a view which implicitly suggests that the study of the mass media is not problematic since their ownership ( usually by large corporations ) pre-determines the nature of their work .
8 Frau Nordern asked in a tone of voice which strongly suggested that if he was then he could go and do it somewhere else .
9 The so-called ‘ Palace Style ’ amphoras were at first made and used only at Knossos itself , which strongly suggests that they were made for the use of the ruling elite .
10 I believe , however , that over the past 20 years an important body of evidence has emerged which strongly suggests that schools do make a significant difference both to pupil attainment and pupil behaviour .
11 In a regional study including about 10% of the Danish population we found the population relative risk of ulcerative colitis and Crohn 's disease among first degree relatives of patients with either disease to be about 10 , which strongly suggests that these disorders have a genetic cause .
12 The wild type enzyme was found to cleave circular DNA in a manner which strongly suggests that only one endonuclease molecule is required per cleavage event .
13 Tinbergen , for example , presented model bills of adult herring gulls ( Larus argentatus ) to the chicks of that species ; the chicks responded by pecking at the red spot at the top of the bill , which strongly suggests that the red spot is a signal , meaning ‘ start pecking ’ ( Figure 6.1 ) .
14 He took out his map , which indeed suggested that he was riding on the main Brussels highway , but maps were notoriously inaccurate .
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