Example sentences of "which [pers pn] was held " in BNC.

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1 This enchanting white-faced chestnut could be excitable before her races — it was the Royal Hunt Cup winner Come On The Blues , her travelling companion and calming influence , on whom she had her crush — but was admirably genuine , and her home-stretch surge to bring British racing its first great triumph in the Breeders ' Cup ensured that the affection in which she was held during her racing career would not fade .
2 It was only when the tea came that her pleasure in such a welcome , in being given such evidence of the continuing affection in which she was held , abruptly waned .
3 What was significant was the awe in which she was held by her two senior colleagues , but not so by Mr Straw .
4 She needed to be disenchanted too , from this shape in which she was held prisoner .
5 That was the measure of affection and esteem in which he was held .
6 Harry led our team by example — although perhaps what some of his colleagues needed was a skipper who could also drive or cajole them to better things — but it was a mark of the respect in which he was held by Palace supporters that his well-deserved Benefit in 1953–54 was so well attended .
7 The high esteem in which he was held was shown at his funeral where a tribute to his great accomplishments for deaf education in Leeds was paid by the Director of Education for the district .
8 John Stanley 's extemporizations on the organ of Temple Church in London were attended by Handel , and yet the esteem in which he was held by his contemporaries has failed to gain him the reputation that he should enjoy today .
9 And to the estimation in which he was held
10 The couple was first drawn to the work of Magritte by the high regard in which he was held by another great Surrealist , Marcel Duchamp , and by Julian Levy and Alexander Iolas .
11 His attempt to prove a point of theological orthodoxy by scientific argument may have heightened the suspicion in which he was held , but it hardly points to a successful separation of the two spheres .
12 And at the Leicester Congress in 1931 , an illuminated address , signed by every member of the executive , bore witness to the respect in which he was held by his colleagues and the deaf community as a whole .
13 The miller down the ages has made his own peculiar contribution to the low esteem in which he was held .
14 Soon after Joe went back the family were notified that Terry was a prisoner of war , and given the address of the Stalag in which he was held .
15 ‘ The respect in which he was held by everyone who knew him was reflected in the very large numbers that attended . ’
16 In practice the authority of an individual metropolitan was influenced by political factors , such as the favour in which he was held at court .
17 Indeed , the House of Lords expressly approved the earlier judgment in Al Saudi Banque and Others v Clark Pixley ( 1989 ) 3 All ER 361 in which it was held that auditors did not owe a duty of care to a number of banks because it could not be established that the auditors knew either that the company 's accounts were to be shown to the banks or that the banks would rely on them in reaching decisions as lenders .
18 It is a Court of Appeal decision in which it was held that the use of the words ‘ mother ’ and ‘ care ’ in the title of a book Mother Care/Other Care published by Penguin Books — a serious sociological study of problems faced by working mothers who delegated the care of their children to others — was not a trade mark infringement nor a passing off , and Mothercare UK Ltd were not entitled to an injunction restraining Penguin from publishing , advertising or selling the book .
19 A turning-point came in the case of Ridge v. Baldwin in which it was held that the distinction between administrative and judicial functions was of no relevance to deciding whether a decision-maker ought to comply with the rules of natural justice or to the availability of judicial review remedies .
20 On the other hand , the fact that Protestant heretics were associated with the new astronomy could intensify the suspicion in which it was held .
21 460 in which it was held that an applicant for accommodation who wished to challenge the housing authority 's decision that he was intentionally homeless could do so either by action or by application for judicial review .
22 Ltd. v. The Irish Land Commission ( Case 182/83 ) [ 1984 ] E.C.R. 3677 , in which it was held that article 52 of the E.E.C .
23 Raym. 742 in which it was held that indebitatus assumpsit lay for money paid under the sentence of a court which had no jurisdiction .
24 Nor does National Pari-Mutuel Association Ltd. v. The King , 47 T.L.R. 110 in which it was held that payment of betting duty under a statutory provision thought by the plaintiffs to be applicable but later held by this House in a similar case to be inapplicable , was made under a mistake of law and not of fact and was therefore irrecoverable .
25 In support of his argument , Mr. Coghlan relied on Cozens v. Brutus [ 1973 ] A.C. 854 , a case in which it was held in the House of Lords that the meaning of the word ‘ insulting ’ used in section 5 of the Public Order Act 1936 was not a matter of law but a matter of fact .
26 The circumstances which imposed on Midland Bank the duty of which it was held to be in breach are not apparent from the report .
27 353 in which it was held by the Divisional Court ( Glidewell L.J .
28 Chiltern District Council v. Keane [ 1985 ] 1 W.L.R. 619 was an appeal from the High Court in which it was held that ( 1 ) the notice of motion to commit lacked sufficient particularity to enable the alleged contemnor to meet the charge , ( 2 ) there had been no personal service of notice of an adjourned hearing date and ( 3 ) the committal order failed to give particulars of the facts found to constitute the contempt .
29 ( No. 2 ) , the facts of which have already been summarised , and in which it was held that the restrictions imposed on the bringing of a direct civil action for breach of a statute could not be outflanked by framing the claim as one for the tort of unlawful interference with trade .
30 It will be noted that the decision in Papadimitropolous , in which it was held that a victim who mistakenly believed that she was married to the defendant at the time of sexual intercourse nonetheless consented to it , is overruled by the section .
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