Example sentences of "which [verb] little [prep] " in BNC.

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1 His own father had been a skilled mechanic ( a phrase which conveyed little to Clara ) and as he himself had managed to purchase by his own labours a three bedroomed semi-detached house in a pleasant suburban district , he might have been thought to have cause to feel fairly content with life .
2 There is the danger of seeing this as just another piece of regressive legislation from a government which cares little about the unemployed , but on closer examination the far reaching implications are quite frightening .
3 For generations my family have been staunch Conservatives , but I am afraid my immediate family will no longer support a Government which cares little about animal welfare .
4 Boyd Orr 's malnourished population was drawn almost entirely from this section of the working class and it was their lives which changed little during the inter-war years as Carl Chinn , and other writers have noted .
5 Homicide , on the other hand , is interpreted as a consequence of distinctive aspects of Sinhalese culture which changed little during the colonial period .
6 He skimmed the accompanying text , which added little to what Francesca had already told him , filling up the two columns with a recital of Tristram 's career beginning with his legendary recording of ‘ Panis Angelicus ’ as a thirteen-year-old treble at St Joe 's .
7 The telling of atrocity stories is therefore a highly structured occasion which reveals little about the teller other than that he or she is performing a ritual for a contextually specific purpose .
8 Indeed many of the counter-cultural ideas had troublesome millenarian or semi-religious elements which owed little to the existing moralities or acceptable satisfactions .
9 While I was afflicted with serious English composition and English literature , I was reading Scott , Fenimore Cooper , Henty , and the travellers , because I loved them ; I was also thinking and talking in a manner which owed little to those dignified exercises , though the day was to come when I spoke very much as I wrote …
10 The concept of honour as it appears in the adventure stones of the late nineteenth century was at least partly an artificial code belonging to the ruling or leisure classes , requiring a dedicated loyalty towards women , family honour and masculine comradeship which owed little to common sense or practicality .
11 In broad terms it was found that British managements had adopted a control system which relied little upon direct managerial intervention and allowed the workforce a greater say in decision-making , essentially as a recognition of the de facto power of trade unions and shopfloor organisation within the industry .
12 Labour , for example , wants next year to throw £20 million at a ‘ reading recovery scheme ’ for which there would be absolutely no need had reading been properly taught in the first place ( something which requires little in the way of ‘ resources ’ ) .
13 The poor quality of most of the mountain goat 's food , together with the specialised digestive system required to cope with it , imposes a strict daily routine on the animals , which varies little throughout the year .
14 He pointed at the red lines on the map , which meant little to her .
15 Some limited progress has been made relatively recently in linking up the analysis of corporate strategy and some of the behavioural insights of strategy formulation and implementation ( see Quinn , Mintzberg and James , 1988 , for a text which refers to many of these ideas but which presents little in the way of synthesis ) , but not much has yet been done to tie that in with financial management .
16 Third , it can be helpful to use straightforward simple words instead of using ‘ church speak ’ which means little to anyone other than a regular churchgoer .
17 Certainly it had a freshness and credibility about it which was in stark contrast to some of the other end-of-the year events which , however exciting or impressive some individual performances and achievements may have been , still involved direct or incidental features which do little for the public perception of the sport .
18 The name ‘ Institute of Education ’ has been used in African universities to describe institutes which do little except train secondary school teachers , but in the sense of a professional centre concerned with various aspects of quality both of teachers and the curriculum they teach , it was first used in Bakht Er Ruda in the Sudan in the 1930's .
19 While in normal circumstances , German players may not object to the sight of nubile South American beauties parading in striking bikinis which left little to the imagination , they can be a bit off-putting when they leap up and down , attracting attention to themselves just when you are about to serve .
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