Example sentences of "that [is] probably the " in BNC.

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1 That is probably the most important question the panel are asking themselves .
2 That is probably the ( unspoken ) reason why federal government tax powers have been kept strictly within the field of indirect taxation , which is mainly proportional in its incidence .
3 He could walk out and just be so good and that is probably the thing that most impressed me about him .
4 That is probably the worst solution . ’
5 And I think that that is probably the appropriate ground rule erm all that .
6 My Lords , erm the , the th the most I think perhaps er th th th the Noble Lord , Lor Lord erm referred to my amendments and particularly to Amendment twenty-one which I share with I share certainly share this view with him that that is probably the most important of the ones which is which er I am concerned and to which I put my name and also I do n't think it necessary at this stage to add to my remarks , but I do believe that the that the overwhelming need here is to strengthen the representation of elected erm members on police authorities and to er walk er to tear away from the trend as I see it which is in which is erm the er my Right Honourable Friend , the Home Secretary has written into this Bill of increasing the power of the central Government .
7 That is probably the greatest testimonial to you and your comrades .
8 That is probably the worst one day figure which happened , as I say , combination of war and the snow , when the shops were pretty well closed off , and yes we certainly saw figures that , on a day for day basis to last year , they were seventy five per cent down , but cumulative I mean the position 's much better than that erm nowhere near that sort of figure , and erm we are very confident that the summer market for overseas holidays will recover steadily and we 'd be very surprised if , by the end of September , we 're more than five or six per cent down on summer holiday bookings compared to last year , and we 're confident enough to have brought back our campaigns and our advertising starts this week , and we 've even been confident enough to announce to our staff that their annual salary review will take place on the first of April as scheduled .
9 The poorest people in our society are left with the poorest facilities — and that 's probably the same wherever you go .
10 That 's probably the worst sin .
11 I think that 's probably the one thing : Texas music has just got more variety to it than the Delta stuff or Chicago or New Orleans .
12 Michael Rosen 's collection of Rude Rhymes ( Signet , £3.99 ) sent to him over the years by members of the public are rather lavatorial — and that 's probably the best place to keep it .
13 So that 's probably the most important part of the manual .
14 and it 'll come up that he 's and that 's probably the sort of person your going to get somebody who 's is a smell about rather than
15 So the erm but as , but as Katherine reminds us , I mean if , if that 's the kind of life our emotional parameters are my , my guess is that that , is that that 's probably the truth , certainly a persuasive argument .
16 Erm that 's the amount of you commission and that 's probably the lowest er you know the lowest that er you 'd get well three hundred and fifty pounds .
17 Do n't let them get away with being patronising , because that 's probably the attitude they 'll take up . ’
18 That 's probably the best way . ’
19 Right , yeah so erm you know I mean that 's probably the best thing to do if you try and , try and at least keep up to date with the rest of this term and er you know not er make sure , even if you have n't been to a class at least you know what went , went on there from somebody
20 yeah I think that 's probably the best thing and gradually the past you 've missed might start fitting into place as it were you know if you , if you keep up with the present , I think that 's probably the best thing so er and , you know , er I know it 's no comfort but these things take time , you know it takes time to get socialized into something and it takes time to get used to a way of working .
21 yeah I think that 's probably the best thing and gradually the past you 've missed might start fitting into place as it were you know if you , if you keep up with the present , I think that 's probably the best thing so er and , you know , er I know it 's no comfort but these things take time , you know it takes time to get socialized into something and it takes time to get used to a way of working .
22 well suited or well fitted with the , with the stuff that , you know , you 've , you 've got erm I mean that 's probably the best way to do it and I also find actually trying to write things sh myself shows up the holes in arguments , shows up the bits that you need yet to fill in sort of thing
23 I mean , there is one when she says that Bertha 's face reminded her of a vampire I suppose that 's probably the most Gothic moment .
24 I think that 's probably the best way of doing , leaving it out of the body , I 've underlined it in each case here
25 That 's probably the trouble if you 've been eating too much .
26 Lots of spillage , that 's probably the problem .
27 Yeah , I think that 's probably the best idea
28 Well I would think that 's probably the best idea
29 but Manchester that 's probably the hive
30 I think that 's probably the best .
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