Example sentences of "or [vb base] themselves [prep] " in BNC.

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1 However severe the victimization or inequality of potential pay , they give no thought to having a lottery to determine positions on the coal face [ thc Durham tradition — of cavilling ] ; however their labor may be divided , they have little impulse to regulate production collectively or coordinate themselves in work groups to forestall management initiative .
2 Patients are advised to eat regular meals , avoid certain foods , take tablets or inject themselves with insulin , monitor their blood glucose levels , to be careful with alcohol and see their doctors regularly .
3 Whilst most of us , for example , can cope with having the occasional murderous thought about people we love , or work with , there are other people for whom such thoughts constitute a profound assault on their self-worth , and who must , therefore , either suffer that sense of worthlessness or involve themselves in an intense effort to deny or rationalize the thought .
4 400e ) , they identified themselves with the state , or put themselves on a level with it : they did not openly claim to rule it .
5 They ensure , for example , that meals are eaten at the right time , that appointments are kept , that a daily routine is adhered to and that patients do not neglect themselves or put themselves in danger .
6 Five or six people I 've never met lounge discreetly in chairs with their legs crossed , or spread themselves upon the floor , clutching their knees .
7 The severe psychological damage inflicted upon the captive Biros led them to tear themselves from their shackles and plunge into toilet bowls , become suicidally entangled about gear sticks or wrap themselves around handlebars .
8 But the plains , savannahs , rivers and hills , all the way from Samburu down to the Masai Steppe , proved fruitful and the Masai built up their strength through the acquisition of women and cattle so successfully that they chased out the other tribes who were obliged to cling to the mountains or secrete themselves in the forests , land useless for cattle .
9 the ruins of peoples which are still found here and there and which are no longer capable of a national existence , are absorbed by the larger nations and either become part of them or maintain themselves as ethnographic monuments without political significance .
10 Secondly , the provision of subways and footbridges should be avoided where possible , for they are often ignored by pedestrians who would rather dodge through the cars than climb to bridge level or expose themselves to the unpleasant and sometimes dangerous environment of a subway .
11 Whether they remain in Edinburgh or betake themselves to other lands and whatever be the walk of life in which they were bred I believe the students of this seminary will be found everywhere and at all times promoting civilisation in the world . ’
12 Well , life has changed since then , and people now have to be a little bit wary when they meet strangers or find themselves in unusual places or situations .
13 A trainee who feels that their training course is inadequate has often no option but to continue on the training course or find themselves in a position of having their benefits cut .
14 They would not back the union in a political fight with the company , or allow themselves to be used by Clasper in a power struggle between the convener and management .
15 We flying a glider or throw themselves of the bridge , if it does n't work they die , somebody learns from that , you know , I know it , it really was a fucking
16 The branches of trees stretched out as if to peer over mill walls or rest themselves against the windowless rear walls of factory buildings .
17 The children can also watch television on their own set or help themselves to soft drinks from their own bar , which gives Mum and Dad a chance to enjoy a leisurely drink on the verandah .
18 It was n't immediately evident from some camps whether the idea was to continue in a serious vein of rugby competition or subject themselves to the physical demands of the concentrated social calendar .
19 On the face of it , this is similar to accommodation theory : speakers approximate their interlocutors ' linguistic behaviour , or distance themselves from it , depending on whether or not they wish to identify themselves with that individual .
20 While most of his contemporaries in the conservation world sit behind desks or on committees , Watson and friends race ‘ kamikaze ’ inflatable dinghies in front of Soviet and Japanese whalers ' harpoons or handcuff themselves to the seal hunters ' vessels .
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