Example sentences of "had [been] brought to " in BNC.

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1 Indeed the same evidence has been tendered , the same facts had been brought to the attention of the same Committee in 1972 ; but the Committee had reported to Parliament in the opposite sense , stating the opposite to the evidence they had actually received from those who were competent to tender it .
2 The Grand National had been brought to a halt .
3 Water had been brought to several greens at a cost of £91 , partly offset by £64 donated by members , thus suggesting the failure of the earlier water supply scheme .
4 The last man reached the fresh air base at 12.05 a.m. on Sunday , 10th September , and soon afterwards , all of them had been brought to the surface .
5 Moreover , this particular photograph had been brought to the lab only that day , and no one had ever coupled it with any sort of training .
6 They claimed the Goths who had settled along the Vistula and in the Ukraine as the founders of the Polish state , saying that rule and order had been brought to these lands over the heads of the drunken , idolatrous and stupid Polish peasantry .
7 He seemed resigned to this twist of fate that the first calf to be born into his stable for two years had been brought to life before it was ready , before the winter was even through .
8 Here when the sin in the darkness had been brought to the light its power was broken and in this case confession had battered down the barrier .
9 He asked his colleague if he would consider giving him some age-regression therapy in an attempt to deal with the problem , whatever it was , that had been brought to light .
10 Instead , he complained , he had been brought to court , fined , whipped and sentenced to two months imprisonment .
11 Paul Arkwright had been brought to the house in Holborn one Sunday afternoon , a day when Robert Asshe habitually received a few carefully chosen guests , by his professor , an old friend and admirer of Asshe 's unconventional renderings of Shakespeare 's plays .
12 The fact that it had been brought to the family majlis was out of deference to me .
13 I heard them say that she had been brought to hospital because her belly was still full of urine . ’
14 Keep said RADAR had been able to resolve 130 of the 418 cases which had been brought to it , ‘ most of them satisfactorily ’ .
15 In the fuel crisis of February 1947 , an already overstretched system had been brought to breaking point : electricity supplies to many users had been periodically interrupted for weeks on end and other supplies had been restricted , in the severest winter for more than a hundred years .
16 Some argued that the case had been brought to an early end as there was little chance of the prosecution being successful , others suggesting that the case had in all but final verdict already been won .
17 Once goods had been brought to a European port , they could be re-exported at a higher price to other European countries that had no direct trade across the sea , so a good many of the calculations about trade were concerned with re-exporting goods which had not been processed into an improved form but were simply being sent to a place where they commanded some additional scarcity value .
18 There is his Author 's Note to Victorious Troy to assure us that he has spoken with a boy whose experience had been similar to that of Dick Pomfret and that cases where dismasted sailing ships without officers had been brought to port by boys were not unknown , but we hardly need this assurance in order to believe that Dick , not unaided but with a responsibility beyond his years , did in fact bring the Hurrying Angel home in the end .
19 Describing this first committee , Eleanor Rathbone wrote that they ‘ had been brought to the idea [ of family allowances ] partly by the experience of the admirable effects of war-time separation allowances [ and ] partly by the difficulty of otherwise reconciling the claims of equal pay for equal work with the needs of mothers and children ’ ( Rathbone , 1940 , p. 68 ) .
20 The increased misuse of solvents had been brought to Wirral Council 's attention by the Chief Constable of Merseyside in December 1982 .
21 Three days after the news had been brought to Margaret in Edinburgh she died , and her body was taken to the church she had endowed at Dunfermline .
22 It was the skull of an African servant who had been brought to England at the time of the Slave Trade .
23 The Wars of the Roses had been brought to an end by the victory of Henry VII , and his dynasty was to last until 1603 .
24 Clement V had been brought to this action not only by his own need of royal collaboration in his moves against the Templars but also by careful preparation on the king 's part .
25 Given that previous periods of rapid growth had been brought to a halt in the face of escalating deficits on the balance of payments , largely because of the high marginal propensity to import manufactured goods , the improvement of the balance of payments figured prominently in the plan .
26 I would reject the submission made to the Court of Appeal that so long as the terms of paragraph 33 had been brought to the notice of the prosecution authorities they would be unable to adduce in a criminal court evidence disclosed in compliance with the order .
27 Almost from the day she and the children had been brought to this large dilapidated dwelling on Buncer Lane , Luther Reynolds had made it painfully clear that they were not welcome .
28 The usual sausages and spuds had been brought to them between the shows .
29 Or was it a trophy which had been brought to the island ?
30 The Dragon Throne had been brought to the dais after the procession , and Artai was sitting upon it .
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